2021 Idaho EPSCoR Annual Meeting
We are excited to have you join us at the Idaho NSF EPSCoR Annual Meeting that will be held virtually December 7 - December 9, 2021.
The 2021 meeting includes interactive poster sessions, keynote speakers, panel discussions, and networking.
View the AGENDA and PRESENTATIONS for more details. The times listed on the agenda are Pacific Time (PST).
- The Live Virtual Poster Sessions scheduled within the Fourwaves site will display local times.
- The times on the agenda are the actual times for the poster sessions.
- Fourwaves posters sessions will be opening up 10 minutes early to allow for presenters to get in and get situated.
Registration to access Live Virtual Poster Sessions
You must register to access the online poster sessions. Please register here and join us for this exciting virtual event.
We use a two-step authentication process, so please check the email asking you to verify your account.
Online posters will be open to view and leave comments starting December 02, 2021.
We also have (4) - 50 minute Live Virtual Poster Sessions that allows participants to virtually “Walk up to any poster and chat with the author about their research in their individual virtual meeting room.”
Important - All Students/Postdocs Submitting Posters
You will need to both 1) Register for the 2021 EPSCoR Annual Meeting here and 2) Submit your poster materials here.
The submission process has several requirements that are key to getting your materials uploaded so they display correctly and showcase your amazing work!
Use this handy checklist to guide you through the process.
Poster Submission Timeline:
(use submission form to complete)
1.) Due November 5th: Presenter Author Information, Abstract title and co-author information
2.) Due November 29: Final poster title/abstract/poster
3.) December 02: Posters open to participants on Fourwaves
4.) December 06, 4 PM MST/3 PM PST: Fourwaves Demo Session (open to students/faculty). Zoom link will be emailed as date gets closer.
Use this handy checklist to guide you through the process.
Reach out to us at denisepfeifer@boisestate.edu if you have any questions.
Online event
Registration period
October 19, 2021 - 00:00 until December 9, 2021 - 23:30
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact denisepfeifer@boisestate.edu .