10 au 13 juin 2024

2024 endMS Summer School

Welcome message from Hosts

The University of Manitoba and Manitoba Multiple Sclerosis Research Centre (MMSRC) are very excited to welcome you to the 2024 endMS Summer School in Winnipeg, from June 10-13, 2024.

Members of the MMSRC have close ties to both the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba and the MS Clinic within Health Sciences Centre - Winnipeg (Manitoba’s largest hospital), and include a range of basic scientists, translational scientists, and clinician scientists. Therefore, the theme for this year’s Summer School will be MS Pathogenesis, Prognosis, and Repair.

This will draw upon the broad range of expertise among MMSRC research groups, including pathogenesis and disease mechanisms, advanced genomics and bioinformatics, mechanisms of MS progression, structural and functional neuroimaging biomarkers, diagnosis and management of cognition, anxiety, and depression, treatment of MS and exacerbating comorbidities, and therapeutic approaches for white matter repair and regeneration.

The Summer School planning committee has assembled an exciting program that will include various plenary sessions on the latest advances in MS research and clinical care, equity, diversity and inclusion workshop, career development sessions (focusing on opportunities and pathways both within and beyond traditional academic/university appointments), and various small group workshops. Time will also be devoted for this year’s graduating SPRINT teams to present their yearlong group projects, for participants to interact with and learn from people living with MS, and to meet and network with peers who will be coming from across Canada to learn together and share our collective passion for advancing MS research.

Dr. Soheila Karimi and Dr. Chase Figley
2024 endMS Summer School Co-Hosts

Welcome message from Hosts

Welcome Message from the Director of the endMS National Training Program:

Welcome to the endMS National Training Program’s 16th annual endMS Summer School!

The endMS National Training Program (NTP) is a component of the endMS Research and Training Network that aims to enhance knowledge and skills relevant to MS research, foster opportunities to conduct MS research in Canada and increase the intent amongst trainees to pursue MS research for the long term.

The NTP is grateful to receive funding from MS Canada, funding that is essential to be able to offer high caliber training programs: the endMS Summer School and endMS Scholar Program for Researchers IN Training (SPRINT).

The annual endMS Summer School brings together as many as 40 trainees including graduate students, post-doctoral and clinical fellows from a variety of research backgrounds to learn about one central MS-related research theme which changes from year to year. To learn more about the annual Summer School click here

endMS SPRINT, a year long program for trainees who are ready to invest their time to enhance their knowledge and skills in MS research. SPRINT is pursued as a supplement to the research conducted by the trainees at their institutions. Through innovative initiatives offering networking, career development, mentorship and interdisciplinary learning opportunities, SPRINT has already fostered collaboration among emerging and experienced researchers and strengthened the research community nationwide. To learn more about SPRINT click here

This year, we are delighted that the endMS NTP’s 2024 endMS Summer School will take place at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg.

The endMS NTP’s Scholar Program for Researchers in Training (SPRINT) will hold additional meetings in conjunction with the Summer School on Monday, June 10th, 2024 for SPRINTers and their mentors. On Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 the SPRINT graduating teams will present their yearlong interdisciplinary learning projects to Summer School attendees.

There are many people involved in the planning and implementation of the Summer School. Our very special thanks and appreciation are extended to the hosts, the Summer School Planning Committee, presenters, mentors, coordinators, people living with MS, volunteers and all who have contributed to this year’s Summer School.

We are excited about the program and enthusiastic at the prospects of learning and working together with you to expand the community of trainee researchers who, over time, will become experts and leaders in the field of MS research and clinical practice.

See you soon in Winnipeg!

Dr. Christina Wolfson
Director, endMS National Training Program

Welcome Message from the Director of the endMS National Training Program:

Lieu de l'événement

University of Manitoba


Pour toute question sur l'événement, veuillez contacter: anik.schoenfeldt@affiliate.mcgill.ca .

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