2e retraite scientifique du MicrHub Sherbrooke
Welcome to the first scientific retreat of the group of microbiologists and “microbiophiles” of the UdS! This event is organized in collaboration with the Department of Biology of the Faculty of Sciences, the Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, and the FMSS theme Infection-Inflammation.
You will find on this site more information on the objectives of the event, the speakers and the schedule of the day.
You will be able to explore the content and see the list of participants. You can also register for free and submit an abstract directly through this website.
The objective of this day is to bring together research groups from the UdS, all campuses combined, who are directly or indirectly interested in microbiology, in order to share our science, to structure our activities related to microbiology at the UdS and socialize.
The scientific topics that will be addressed include, among others:
- Environmental microbiology
- Applied microbiology and bioprocesses
- Infectious diseases
- Bacterial, viral and fungal pathogenesis
- The microbiome, the virome and host-pathogen interactions
Program (see schedule for details)
The program of the day will consist of oral presentations from young researchers, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. This will be complemented by a poster and networking session in the afternoon. A round table will also be organized with professors, in order to discuss the best strategies that will boost research and teaching in fields related to microbiology, and increase the visibility of the UdS at the provincial and national level in the field of microbiology.
For those who wish to present, submission of an abstract is required: Submit your Title/authors/abstract at micrhub@gmail.com and indicate of you wish to participate in presenting a poster and/or flash talk. While there is no deadline to submit an abstract for a poster presentation, the deadline to be considered for a flash talk is October 25.
Looking forward to chat with you!
Your organizing committee
Jean-Philippe Côté
Louis-Charles Fortier
Concours de logo
Le Micrhub souhaite impliquer ses membres dans le processus de création de son logo. Celui-ci peut être réalisé seul ou à plusieurs (équipe de laboratoire, exemple) et peut être aussi simple que le nom du regroupement personnalisé à votre façon.
- Doit contenir un ou des élément(s) de microbiologie (bactéries, virus, levures, microscope...)
- Doit être soumis en format .pdf ou .png
- Ne doit pas contenir d'images ou d'icônes qui ne sont pas libres de droit.
Vous avez jusqu'au 30 octobre minuit pour soumettre vos créations. Le logo sélectionné sera annoncé lors de la journée du 8 novembre et le(s) créateur(s) du logo sélectionné remportera un prix!
Centre Culturel - Foyer Orford
2500 Boulevard de l'Université Sherbrooke, QC Canada, J1K 0A5Registration period
September 13, 2024 - 8:00 AM until November 7, 2024 - 5:00 PM
Submission period
September 29, 2024 - 12:00 AM until November 1, 2024 - 4:00 PM
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact micrhub@gmail.com .