March 30, 2024

ABR Refresher Course

Welcome to the ABR Refresher Workshop 2024!

We are delighted to bring together professionals from across the audiology profession for a day workshop. This workshop is aimed at establishing the uniformity in the practice of auditory electrophysiology in Nepal. We aim to provide participants with information from basic to recent advancements. This workshop is designed to be clinical oriented and we will make it as interactive as possible.

The other aim of the workshop is to start and establish a minimum standard of practice, which is uniform across Nepal. Uniformity in terms of settings used for recording to uniformity in processing the traces and reporting the obtained results. Finally we hope that the uniformity is passed on to the manufacturers, so the settings are default when the instruments are provided.

We are hoping to get the manufacturers involved during this workshop, so they can provide hands-on with their instruments during the workshop. We have not had any confirmations yet, but we will have ABR instrument, so we can practice some aspects hands-on on the day. A guide will be provided for what is expected to complete the hands-on.

We hope that this will provide a platform to discuss the latest developments, research, and clinical practices in auditory electrophysiology.

Join us for an informative and engaging experience of exploring the frontiers of audiology. We look forward to having you with us!


  1. Bebek Bhattarai (Paediatric Audiologist at the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow)- Working with paediatric population in the area of electrophysiology, Bone Conduction Hearing Aids and Auditory Processing Disorder.
  2. Rajat Gautam (Audiologist at Nepal Mediciti Hospital, Kathmandu) - Experienced Audiologist with years of knowledge while working in two medical colleges in Kathmandu. His area of special interests includes auditory electrophysiology, auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder and adult rehabilitation.

Both speakers have experience of more than 15 years of working in the field of audiology and with their special interest in the area of auditory electrophysiology, it will be a great platform for discussion and dissemination of their experience.

Reason for organising the workshop

  • To update with the latest development in area of auditory electrophysiology, especially related to ABR.
  • To establish the common practice amongst the professional in Nepal.
  • Discuss the feasibility of a working protocol which can be standard across Nepal.
  • Provide evidence of newer technologies for future improvement of clinical service delivery in Nepal.
  • Discuss the diagnostic pathway for auditory disorders
  • Provide platform for hands-on experience to build on the experience and/or provide a platform to kick start for those who are new to electrophysiology.


Hattiban Himalayan Resort

Registration period

February 11, 2024 - 2:00 PM until March 29, 2024 - 9:00 AM

Submission period

February 11, 2024 - 2:00 PM until March 29, 2024 - 9:00 AM

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