Atlantic Geoscience Society Colloquium 2024
Le comité organisateur est heureux de vous accueillir sur notre nouveau site web d'événement! Vous trouverez ici plus d'informations sur les objectifs de l'événement, les conférenciers et l'horaire.
Vous pourrez également explorer le contenu et voir la liste des participants. Vous pouvez également vous inscrire, payer votre inscription et soumettre un résumé directement via ce site web.
Voici les principaux objectifs de l'événement:
- Objectif #1.
- Objectif #2.
- Objectif #3.
- Objectif #4.
Important Dates
5 January: deadline for nominations for Gesner Medal, Laing Ferguson Award, Nelly Koziel Award.
5 January: deadline for application for travel grants for students.
9 January: block booking at the Inn on Crowne Plaza closes.
12 January: abstract deadline.
12 January: early registration rates end.
30 January: last day to purchase luncheon or banquet tickets.
Accommodation and travel
Accommodations at the Crowne Plaza are being held in a block booking for $154 a night (including parking) until 9th January, whereupon they will be released. After January 9th availability at the hotel cannot be guaranteed. To receive the conference rate please indicate when booking that you are part of the Atlantic Geoscience Society. The hotel is located at 1005 Main Street, Moncton. Reservations can be made by calling 506-854-6340.
Special note for students travelling long distances: The AGS Student Travel Grant has been established to enable up to four students to attend and present at the AGS Annual Colloquium. Application details are on Colloquium 2024 | Atlantic Geoscience Society.
Directions for editing your registration
Lieu de l'événement
Crowne Plaza
Période d'inscription
24 novembre 2023 - 11:49 AM jusqu'au 2 février 2024 - 1:00 PM
Pour toute question sur l'événement, veuillez contacter: deanne.vanrooyen@acadiau.ca .