Colloque interordre de la recherche étudiante en sciences sociales et humaines
As part of the Experience makes the difference project, ARC is holding a third annual colloquium whose main objective is to offer college, graduate and PhD students the opportunity to participate in an event dedicated to scientific communication and knowledge transfer. More specifically, this colloquium aims to promote research in the sector of social sciences and humanities, arts and literature, to encourage college students to pursue a field of study that interests them, to offer participants a venue for networking, to offer them an opportunity to experience a science day (sometimes for the first time), to promote discussion and contacts between college and university students, and, finally, to recognize and highlight the efforts they invest in their research activities. A new feature of this year’s colloquium is the opportunity to offer or to receive support.
Programme détaillé
Université Laval
2325 Rue de l'Université Québec, QC Canada, G1V 0B4Registration period
April 22, 2024 - 7:00 AM until May 30, 2024 - 11:00 PM
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact arc@cvm.qc.ca .