XAS Workshop
CLS X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Microprobe Workshop
November 1 - 3, 2023
This hybrid workshop is targeted for students, postdocs and early career researchers seeking to integrate soft or hard x-ray absorption spectroscopy and mapping techniques to their analysis suite. Attendees will be provided with the theoretical and practical foundations needed for accessing the CLS, performing measurements and analyzing data.
In person attendees will receive hands on experience performing XAS and/or microprobe measurements on three CLS beamlines. Data processing and analysis examples will also be provided. Virtual attendees will be able to view the presentations and have the ability to ask questions but will not be able to take part in all the beamline measurements. Content will be delivered by CLS scientists and select CLS users and will cover both basic measurement setup as well as in-situ and operando instrumentation.
Applications are now closed for in-person attendance.
If you would like to participate in the online portions of the XAS workshop, indicate your interest when you register for the AUM.
Day 1 - Photon interaction with matter, Hard and soft x-ray principles and experimental design, Practical applications, Evening social event.
Day 2 - On-site tour of CLS, Mapping with x-rays, Practical applications of x-ray micro and nano probe experiments, Accessing CLS, Hands on with SGM, BioXAS and IDEAS beamlines.
Day 3 - General XAS data analysis and interpretation, Introduction to theoretical modeling concepts, data handling and computation at CLS, hands on data analysis.
Registration Fees
On-site fee is $250 (Includes, coffee, lunch on all three days and the Social event dinner on Day 1).
XAS Event Poster
All times listed are in CST. Sessions marked in blue are available online to virtual participants.