Presenter & Poster Guidelines
Many Voices, One Planet: Accounting for the past and narrating sustainable futures
Hybrid Presentation Guidelines
All COCE sessions will be accessible for livestream via the COCE2023 Live App dashboard. The guidelines below have been compiled by the COCE Planning Committee to facilitate a seamless experience for those attending in-person and virtually. Scroll down to find poster presentation guidelines.
Panels and Paper Sessions
Conference center rooms are equipped with a computer (PC) and a camera to facilitate presentations and connect to the livestream. In-person presenters should be mindful that cameras and microphones are mounted in the ceiling of each room. A COCE volunteer will be present in each session to assist with technology, including set-up and moderating the Zoom chat during Q&A.
Presentation Visuals: In-person presenters who expect to utilize visuals during their session (e.g. a slide deck, images, recorded video) are asked to upload their files to their original submission form no later than June 5. Alternatively, please have your materials on a USB flash drive that can be used in your session. Accepted file types: PPT, PDF, Mp4. Please DO NOT use internet-based presentation tools such as Google Slides or Prezi. Please DO NOT hook up personal laptops for presentations. Files must be downloaded to the computer provided in the conference center room for each session (files will be erased at the end of each day). Virtual presenters may show visuals by sharing their screen from their own devices during the Zoom livestream.
Chair Responsibilities: An in-person chair has been designated for each session, their name is indicated in the conference program. Session chairs are charged with starting the session on time, introducing presenters, and keeping time. Chairs are not responsible for delivering responses or operating the Zoom livestream.
Other Presentation Details: Session blocks are 90 minutes, giving each presenter approximately 15-20 minutes to speak with about 20-30 minutes for Q&A. In-person attendees using visuals should speak from behind the podium; those without visuals are asked to stand in front of the podium to be in the camera's view. Virtual attendees will be muted upon entry to the Zoom livestream, but are welcome to un-mute to participate verbally in the Q&A. The Zoom chat can also be utilized to ask questions and/or share feedback. Virtual audience members should utilize the "speaker view" option in Zoom to optimize screen space for the speaker on their device.
Guidelines for Poster Presenters
Poster presenters are asked to set up their posters in the conference center Ballroom (B & C) on Monday, June 5. Posters should be 36 inches WIDE by 48 inches TALL (91 by 122 cm). Tacks and tape will be provided for hanging all posters. Posters will remain up for display throughout the conference week.
The COCE 2023 poster session will be held in a hybrid format on Tuesday, June 6 (see the conference program). ALL poster presenters are asked to upload their poster to their original submission no later than June 5. This will ensure that your poster can be viewed by our virtual conference attendees. Poster presenters are encouraged to have access-- either on their personal laptop or mobile device-- to the COCE2023 Live App to interact virtually with remote attendees.

Twitter: @The_IECA #coce2023