The Conference Program Committee is pleased to present an extensive list of sessions planned for the 2025 Conference, Committing Sociology for Social Impact.

Below you will find a summary of;

  • Presentation, Roundtable, and Poster sessions open to the call for abstracts.

  • Panel and Workshop sessions open to the call for panelists or facilitators.

  • Sessions with pre-arranged speakers (not open to the call for submissions). Additional plenary sessions and social events will be posted once details are confirmed.

Session information is subject to change and the preliminary program and schedule will be posted in early March.

Download full session details

This document provides important session information including: language(s), format, and whether in-person and/or virtual presentations will be considered.

Presentation, Roundtable, and Poster Presentations open to the call for abstracts

(AIS1) Open Session on Critical Muslim Studies and Anti-Islamophobia (In-person presentations)

(AIS2) Open Session on Critical Muslim Studies and Anti-Islamophobia (Virtual presentations)

(ANS1) Moving Beyond Silos: Working together with and for Nonhuman Animals

(ANS2) Multi-species Society: Themes of Inclusion and Exclusion

(ANS3) Animals in Society Open Session

(ANS5) Critical Inquiries into Animal Suffering and Death

(APS1) The Highlights and Challenges of Community Engaged Sociology

(APS2) ‘Committing Sociology’ is Hard Work: Discussing the Toll of a Sociological Mind

(APS4) Community-based Research: Empowering Communities and Youth for Collective Awareness and Changes

(APS5) Technology in Community Empowerment: Challenges, Opportunities, and Reflections on Engagement

(APS6) Strategies for engaging in sociology beyond the ivory tower

(BCS1) Towards a Black Sociology of Liberation: Connections and Contemplations on Community Organizing Inside and Outside of the Academy

(BCS2) Navigating Pathways: The Role of Social and Cultural Capital on African, Caribbean and Black Canadians Employment Journeys

(CND1) Durkheimian Studies: Contemporary Engagements

(CRM1) Canadian Contributions to Criminology

(CRM2) Caught in transition: Insights into control, resistance and freedom in the criminal justice system

(CRM3) Thinking Critically about Crime in Sport-Related Contexts: New Empirical and Theoretical Directions

(CRM4) Policing, Labour and Pacification

(CRM5) Women as Offenders: Gendered Stereotypes and Social Realities

(CRM6) Policing Research, what's the state of play?

(CRM7) Safety, Inclusion and the Future of Policing

(CSF2) Family Inequity in Public Policy

(CSF3) A feminist care scholar retrospective

(CSF4) Intersections between paid and unpaid work

(CSF5) Early Learning and Child Care Systems in Canada: Sociological Reflections and Critical Insights

(DEV1) Social Problems, Development, and Policy in Africa

(DEV2) Sociology of Development Open Session - In-person Presentations

(DEV3) Sociology of Development Open Session - Virtual Presentations

(DEV4) Development, War, and the Humanitarian Crisis in the Middle East

(DIS1) Redefining access to healthcare from the margins: intersectional perspectives / Redéfinir l'accès aux soins de santé à partir des marges : perspectives intersectionnelles.

(DIS2) “Cripping” Gender and Sexualities: Navigating the Intersections of Disability, Gender, and Sexualities

(DIS3) Provocations from Intersectional and Decolonial Disability Studies Toward Disability Justice in Post-Secondary Education

(DIS5) Disabled Communities (Virtual Session)

(DIS6) Disability and Research (Virtual Session)

(DIS7) Disability Research: Virtual Open Session

(DIS8) Disabled Communities (In-person Session)

(DIS9) Disability and Research (In-person Session)

(DIS10) Disability Research: In-Person Open Session

(ECS1) Economic Sociology and Political Economy

(ECS2) Recent Developments in the Sociology of Risk

(ECS3) Confronting Contemporary Capitalism

(EDU1) Sociology of Education: Ethical Teaching and Learning

(EDU2) Committing Educational Sociology with Community Organizations

(EDU3) Critical Sociological Approaches in Adult, Community and Higher Education: Pushing Policy towards Social Change

(EDU4) School Reform in Support of Truth and Reconciliation

(EDU5) Sociology of Education in K-12

(EDU6) Sociology of Education in Higher Education Institutions

(EDU7) Committing Social Impact in Educational Research

(ENV1) Environmental Sociology - In-Person

(ENV2) Just Transitions in a Changing World

(ENV3) Biodiversity and Society

(ENV4) Science, Technology, and the Environment

(ENV5) Environmental Sociology - Open Call - Virtual-Only

(ENV6) Social Theory and its Geologic Contexts

(ENV7) Competing Projects for Climate (In)Action and Energy Transition

(EQS1) Disability Justice and Public Health

(EQS2) The Practice and Impact of Refusals

(FDS1) Sociological Perspectives on Poverty and Food Insecurity

(FDS2) Food, culture, and theory

(FEM2) Feminist Sociology Open Session

(FEM3) Gender at Work, Gendered Work

(FEM4) Interrogating Feminist Intersectionality in Theory, Research, and Praxis

(FEM5) The Voices of Women Under Siege

(FEM7) Reflections on reproductive bodies: Pain, transformation, resistance

(FEM8) Regarder les sexualités féminines contemporaines : comprendre les transformations/variations et leurs impacts sur la société à l’ère MeToo./ Watching contemporary female sexualities: understanding transformations/variations and their impacts on society in the MeToo era.

(FEM9) From Margin to Center: Theorizing the Unmarked and Unexamined

(FTS1) Committing Fat Sociology! The benefits, challenges and social impact of fat studies research

(FTS2) Fat Futures and Worldmakings

(FTS3) An Intersectional Analysis of Fatness

(FTS4) Fattening Methods

(GAS2) Transgender Studies

(GAS3) Transnational Sexualities, Queer Solidarities

(GAS4) Open Session on Gender

(GAS5) Open Session on Sexuality

(GAS6) Institutional Complicity at the Intersections of Gender, Law, and Violence: Revisiting Institutional Responses to Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence

(GAS7) Centering Trans Joy in Sociology: Challenging the Deficit-Based Approach

(GAS8) Tracing Gender and Sexuality in Canadian Schools

(GAS9) Schools and the Production of Gender

(GAS10) Advancing LGBTQ2S+ Quantitative Health Research for Public and Social Policy

(HEA2) Racial History and Harm Reduction: how society views, understands, and envisions substance use

(HEA3) Social Media, Health, and Wellbeing

(HEA4) Navigating and Waiting for Health Care

(HEA5) Promising practices for teaching sociology of health, illness or care

(HEA7) Political Sociology of Health

(HEA8) Evaluating the Impacts of Public Policy on Health: A Quantitative Sociological Approach

(HEA9) Open Session on the Sociology of Medicine, Health, and Illness

(HEA10) 'Omics Research in Sociology

(HEA11) Death, Dying, and Grief

(IND3) Community-Based Research Focus: Doing research differently with Indigenous and marginalized communities

(IND4) Indigenous-Settler Relations and Decolonization Open Session

(IND5) Indigenous Students in Canada: Participation, Experiences, Supports and Challenges

(IND7) Décolonisation des pratiques de modification et de suspension corporelles / Decolonization of body modifications and suspension

(ITD1) Artificial Intelligence Impacts and Literacy

(ITD2) Sociological Perspectives on Generative AI

(ITD3) Social Theory, Novelty, and Digital Society

(ITD4) Social movements and digital technology

(ITD5) Crime, Deviance, and Media

(ITD6) Intersecting Identities in Media: Sociological Perspectives on Gender, Race, and Representation in Digital Spaces

(ITD7) Work, Play, Display: Exploring the Shifting Landscape of Time, Media, and Technology in Post-Pandemic Society.

(ITD8) Technology & Society: General Topics

(ITD9) Technology for Good? Re-imagining the Promises of Emerging Technologies

(ITD10) What is digital equity, and how can it be realized?

(JFP1) Speaking of Palestine: Issues of Academic Freedom and Reprisal

(KNW1) Sociology of Knowledge - Open Session

(KNW2) Sociology, Sociologically

(KNW3) Social Processes of Knowledge

(KNW4) Knowledge Actors and Knowledge Structures

(MIG1) Breaking Barriers: Newcomer Struggles and Solutions in Canadian Society

(MIG2) Migrant Networks in the Integration Process

(MIG3) Gender, Transnational Migration, and Social Reproduction: Intersectionalities

(MIG4) Migrant inclusion in smaller Canadian centers

(MIG5) Roots and Returns: Exploring Homeland Imaginaries and Return Migration and Mobilities

(OMN1) In-person Omnibus Session

(OMN2) Virtual Omnibus Session

(OMN3) Roundtable Omnibus Session

(OMN4) Poster Omnibus Session

(PEP1) Committing Sociology for the Common Good: Bridging the gap between academia and public engagement

(PSM1) PSSM Open Call for In-person Presentations / Appel ouvert du PSSM pour des présentations en personne

(PSM2) PSSM Open Call for Virtual Presentations /Appel ouvert du PSSM pour des présentations en ligne

(PSM3) Student Encampments in the 2024 Movement: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives

(PSM4) China and the Global South in a Multipolar World: Joint Session of the CSA and CPSA

(PSM5) Boundaries of the Right: The Overlapping Relations between Conservative Politics and Far-Right Extremism

(PSM6) Politicizing Gender and Sexuality: Marginalization and Resistance

(RAE1) Exploring South Asian Canadian Experience - Nuances of Belonging, Community, Discrimination, and Resistance

(RAE2) Open Session on the Sociology of Race and Ethnicity

(RAE3) Race, Masculinity, and the Politics of Power

(RAE4) From Margins to the Forefront: Black Canadian Studies Across Time and Transformation

(RAE5) Racism, Discrimination, and Health: Exploring the Connections

(RAE6) Speaking Truth to Power: Confronting anti-Palestinian Racism, Indian Residential School Denialism, and Islamophobia through Counter-Storying and Community Engagement

(RAE7) Anti-Asian Racism in Canada: Pandemics, Geopolitics and Social Change

(RES1) Conceptualizing and Applying Relational Sociology

(RES2) Radical Relationism

(RSM1) Committing Reflexivity: Exploring the Impact of the Researcher and Dynamic Research Experiences

(RUS1) Trajectories Forward: New Directions and Challenges for Rural Communities

(RUS2) Challenges and opportunities of immigrant settlement in rural and remote regions in Canada

(SAS1) Digital activism and South Asian diasporic mobilization in Canada

(SAS2) Voices of South Asian Women: Transnational Expressions and Experiences

(SAS3) Bridging the Gap in Equity Challenges: Fostering Open Science Practices in Developing Countries

(SCL1) Sociology of Space, Place, and Time

(SCL2) Enjoying Responsibly: On Nation-States and the Organization of Pleasure

(SCL3) Tents and Towers: Bringing Cultural Sociology to Housing Studies

(SCL4) The sociological study of humour in Canada: What has been said and what remains

(SCL5) Culture and Inequality

(SCL6) Cultural Production

(SCL7) Culture and Consumption

(SCL8) Culture and Local Dynamics

(SCS2) Highlighting Students’ Work in Building Partnerships Between Academia and Diverse Publics

(SCY1) Quantitative Openings in the Sociology of Childhood and Youth

(SCY2) Children and Youth Participating in their Life Worlds for Social Impact

(SCY3) In-Person Omnibus Session on the Sociology of Childhood and Youth

(SCY4) Virtual Omnibus Session on the Sociology of Childhood and Youth

(SCY5) Committing radical delusion in early childhood: (re)claiming imaginations of racial, economic and social liberation as attainable

(SCY6) (Un)Learning Ableism: An invitation to dialogue with Educators, Parents and Community Partners at the intersections of disability, race, gender and class

(SMH1) Mad Studies: Discourses and Dialogues

(SMH2) Work-Family Interface and Mental Health

(SMH3) Emerging Voices in the Sociology of Mental Health

(SMH4) Mental Health and Social Context

(SOM1) Sociology of Migration research cluster open session

(SOM2) Recent Developments in Gender and Migration Research

(SOM3) Advancing Theories of Migration

(SOM4) Evidence-based research on immigrant integration

(SPE1) Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives on Social Policy and Social Equality in Canada

(SPE2) Urban Social Policies: populations, spaces, economy, cultures and inequalities

(SPE3) Social inequality and social policy - current understandings and research

(SPE4) Housing, Homelessness, and (In)Equity

(TEA1) Teaching as Innovation and Praxis

(TEA2) Teaching Introduction to Sociology

(THE1) Key Debates in Sociological Theory

(THE2) Charisma, Populism, or Charismatic Populism?

(THE5) Symposium for Early Career Theorists (SECT)

(THE6) Theory & Praxis: Committing Social Theory for Social Impact

(THE7) Theories of the Background

(THE8) Classical Social Theory

(THE9) In-person Open Theory Session

(THE10) Virtual Open Theory Session

(UNG1) The Undergraduate Voice

(URS1) The Community Question in the Post-Pandemic City

(URS2) Public Space and/as Social Infrastructure?

(URS3) Social Control (and Contestations) of Urban Space

(URS4) Discourses of Urban Improvement

(URS5) Urban Sociology Open Session

(URS6) Homelessness Governance

(VLS1) Understanding the Continuum of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in the Context of Migration

(VLS3) Sociology of Military Conflict and Terrorism

(VLS4) Immanent Unfolding and Slow Afterlives: Contemplating Everyday Horizons of Remaking the Social World

(VLS5) Gender-based violence (GBV) in the Global South

(VLS6) Anti-Violence Research, Collaboration, and Knowledge Mobilization

(VLS7) Violence as a Cultural Process: Advancing Theory and Methods

(VLS8) Violence and Society - Friendly Paper Feedback Session (Full Paper) (Virtual Conference)

(VLS9) Violence and Society - Emerging Research Friendly Roundtable

(VLS10) Violence and Society

(WPO1) Advocacy for Worker Rights on Higher Education Campuses

(WPO2) Healthcare Institutions and Organizations, Work, and Immigration: Exploring the Trajectories and Mobility of Healthcare Workers

(WPO3) School-to-Work Transition Experiences of Racialized Students and International Students in Canada

(WPO4) Work, Professions, and Occupations

Other Sessions