CSM-SCM Annual Conference Remote 2021
We are very pleased to invite you to the 70th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Microbiologists (CSM 2021) that will be held remotely from June 14-17, 2021. The program will include student and post-doctoral fellow symposia competitions, as well as interactive poster sessions which offer different formats that presenters can choose from. Section symposia will be scheduled from submitted abstracts. All three sections of the Canadian Society of Microbiologists traditional pillars will be equally represented, including Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Infection and Immunity, and Molecular Genetics and Cellular Microbiology.
Research Position Postings
If you have a research position posting that you would like shared with the conference attendees please email me with the advertisement and I will post them here.
Chris Yost
CSM Meetings Secretary
Looking for PhD and MSc students for the Fall 2021 Semester for several new funded projects:
1. Arctic Permafrost Biogeochemistry: Microbial biogeochemical cycling in permafrost ecosystems - students will be carrying out cultivation dependant and independent analysis of microbial activity in thawing permafrost samples. There is a significant bioinformatics component to one subproject. Fieldwork carrying out in situ gas flux monitoring and sampling would happen annually in the NWT. Ideal candidates will be would be comfortable with annual fieldwork for weeks at a time, as well as some prior bioinformatics experience.
2. Microbial Ecology of Dry Permafrost. Analysis of Antarctic Dry Valley, and dry permafrost from other areas of the Antarctic. Student will be carrying out activity assay as well as DNA extractions from low biomass soils. Ideal candidates would have some experience with aseptic techniques, and handling materials in a sterile manner. Bioinformatics experience preferred.
3. Abiotic drivers of microbial dormancy and death. Examining the shifts in microbial dormancy, activity and replication in permafrost across various abiotic shifts. The ideal candidate would have some experience microbial cultivation and fluorescent microscopy.
Students interested in these positions are welcome to apply to the email: goordial@uoguelph.ca. Please note - though the listed requirements are ideal, they are NOT must-haves. For example, if you do not have a strong bioinformatics background, but think that you would be a strong candidate, please apply anyway.
Students from historically excluded groups are STRONGLY encouraged to apply including those who identify as women, Black, Indigenous, people of colour, persons with disabilities, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. My laboratory values diversity in every sense of the word. I especially encourage students living in the North to apply, even if there is a preference to work remotely.
Applicants should include in the subject line of their email: "Applicant for Polar Microbiology lab 2021". Please include in your package:
1. A cover letter including a narrative of how work in my laboratory group would contribute to your own personal goals and prior relevant experience that is not apparent from a transcript or CV.
2. A CV
3. Transcripts or grades from relevant courses.
Review of applications will occur in June, 2021. Interviews will be scheduled for July 2021.
Dr. Jackie Goordial (she/her)
Assistant Professor
CIFAR Global Azrieli Scholar
School of Environmental Sciences
University of Guelph
50 Stone Rd.
Guelph, Ontario
N1G 2W1
phone: ext. 519-824-4120 ext 53768
lab: Bovey 3215 ( lab ext 53821)
office: Bovey 3220
twitter: jackiegoordial
Online event
Registration period
February 22, 2021 - 8:00 AM until June 17, 2021 - 4:00 PM
Submission period
March 1, 2021 - 12:00 AM until June 18, 2021 - 11:30 PM
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact chris.yost@uregina.ca .