December 13, 2023

Fall 2023 CURE Symposium

Welcome to the Fall 2023 CURE Symposium

Wednesday December 13, 2023 6:00pm-9:00pm online

The CURE symposium is an opportunity for students participating in CURE labs to share their research, network, and learn more about research other students are conducting. The labs participating this semester are:

MCDB 1161 - Phage Genomics Lab I
MCDB 1171 - Drug Discovery
MCDB 3140 - Cell Biology
MCDB 3000 - Synthetic Biology

To participate in the symposium, please complete the following:
1. Register with the symposium website (here).
2. Submit your poster and poster video (here). Instructions for how to submit your poster and video can be found here.

Symposium Schedule

6:00pm - 7:00pm Virtual Poster Session 1 (Presenters: P1-P89, D1-D53, C1-C52, S1, S2, S4)

7:00-8:00 Live Talks - Join the webinar from this platform to listen

8:00pm - 9:00pm Virtual Poster Session 2 (Presenters: P90-P160, D54-D100, C53-C93, S3, S5, S6)

If you are presenting during poster session, you should be in your poster room in the Virtual Poster Hall for the duration of that poster session. During the poster session in which you are not presenting, you should visit the poster room of each of your assigned posters in the Virtual Poster Hall and submit the online poster evaluation form for each of your assigned posters. If there is no presenter present for a poster you were assigned, pick another poster with the same beginning letter. Specific directions for how to participate in the Symposium can be found HERE

Link to the Virtual Poster Hall
Poster Number List
Poster Review Assignments
Poster Evaluation Form
Prior Year's CURE Symposiums

Thanks to our 2023 sponsors

  • MCDB
  • University of Colorado, Boulder


Online event

Registration period

October 3, 2023 - 3:22 PM until December 13, 2023 - 4:00 PM

Submission period

November 8, 2023 - 12:00 AM until December 13, 2023 - 5:30 PM

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact .

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