1er décembre 2021

Fall 2021 Intern Poster Session


Lorem ipsum sit amet, ne vel cibo assueverit constituam, quo at pertinax ocurreret. Assum summo habemus mel at, discere vivendum quo ea. Sit id possit iriure euripidis, nihil iuvaret inermis in his. Esse case consulatu nec in. Sea alterum voluptaria referrentur eu.

Ei tota aliquid comprehensam mel, adhuc menandri sit ea, aeque albucius cu eos. Nam et eros erat scriptorem. Vel cu augue sapientem, detracto tractatos has ea, ex ipsum salutatus interpretaris sed. An duis omittantur ius. Ipsum maiestatis instructior ne eam. Eu nam idque aperiam, an duo solum possit essent.

Objectifs de l'événement

Sea id suscipit elaboraret, eum virtute theophrastus ne. Ea falli probatus sed, ferri noluisse similique cu eos. Suavitate posidonium usu ad, vim omnes vivendo id. Mea dictas fierent ad, mea dolorum dolorem no. Iudico partem maiestatis mea ne, ne sed ornatus oportere, eum ex eros movet putant.

  • Mea dictas fierent ad, mea dolorum dolorem no.
  • Ea falli probatus sed.
  • Iudico partem maiestatis mea ne.

Nam eu accumsan oportere. In per detracto verterem forensibus. Vidit gloriatur mea no, est sint zril impetus ei, dolore luptatum iudicabit id duo. Cu duo sumo eros persequeris, at utinam hendrerit constituto cum. Nec clita cetero no, ex impetus nostrum conceptam cum, id postea nostrud sanctus his. Ius audiam comprehensam ei, reque sadipscing nec te, at vidit adolescens inciderint vel.

Comité organisateur

Sea id suscipit elaboraret, eum virtute theophrastus ne. Ea falli probatus sed, ferri noluisse similique cu eos. Suavitate posidonium usu ad, vim omnes vivendo id. Mea dictas fierent ad, mea dolorum dolorem no. Iudico partem maiestatis mea ne, ne sed ornatus oportere, eum ex eros movet putant.

Workforce Development & Education

Working with our partners both within and outside Berkeley Lab, we promote equal access to scientific and technical careers for students from all backgrounds, support STEM teachers, and build scientific literacy through innovative education programs. We also support educational outreach efforts from Berkeley Lab’s divisions by providing program development assistance, materials, funding, volunteers, project management, marketing, and administrative support. Our mission is to inspire and prepare the next generation of scientists, engineers, technologists, and STEM professionals. We offer a range of programs for undergraduate, postbaccalaureate, graduate students, and faculty. Through these programs, people come to the Lab to participate in research internships, they collaborate and network with Lab STEM professionals, and share their skills and passion for science in the STEM community.
Workforce Development & Education

Department of Energy

Since the end of World War II, leadership in science has been critical to America’s security and prosperity. The DOE Office of Science plays a central role in sustaining that leadership. Established following World War II, we are the nation’s largest federal sponsor of basic research in the physical sciences and for decades have been a major supporter of research in such key scientific fields as physics, materials science, and chemistry. We are also the lead federal agency supporting fundamental scientific research related to energy. To keep America in the forefront of discovery and innovation, we sponsor research at hundreds of universities, national laboratories, and other institutions across the country. We also build and maintain a vitally important array of large-scale scientific facilities at the DOE national laboratories, which are used by thousands of researchers every year. The mission of DOE’s Office of Science is to deliver scientific discoveries and major scientific tools to transform our understanding of nature and advance the energy, economic, and national security of the United States.
Department of Energy

Lieu de l'événement

Événement en ligne

Période d'inscription

13 septembre 2021 - 8:00 AM jusqu'au 1 décembre 2021 - 5:00 PM

Période de soumission

13 septembre 2021 - 12:00 AM jusqu'au 1 décembre 2021 - 5:00 PM


Pour toute question sur l'événement, veuillez contacter: brieannawright@lbl.gov .

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