34th Symposium of the Biological Sciences Department of the University of Montreal
At this 34th edition, you can expect...
- Cocktail reception with poster session
- Presentations
- Themed conferences
- Tons of networking
- And many other surprises!
To register...
Registration is free, but mandatory on the "Registration" tab directly on this website, and open until February 20, 2024.
To present (short, long or poster presentation), you must submit your research abstract by February 27, 2024.
Enregistrement en direct d'un épisode du podcast Les Lucioles
Vous aurez aussi la change d'assister à l'enregistrement en direct d'un épisode du podcast Les Lucioles, animé par les biologistes-chercheures Marie-Christine Lafrenière et Stéphanie Shousha qui reçoivent leurs collègues de l'Université de Montréal pour vulgariser la recherche en biologie qui se fait ici, au Québec.
Visitez leur site-web : www.lesluciolespodcast.com
At this 34th edition, you can expect...
- Cocktail reception with poster session
- Presentations
- Themed conferences
- Interactive kiosks
- Tons of networking
To register...
Registration is free, but mandatory on the "Inscription" tab directly on this website, and open until February 29, 2024.
To present (short, long or poster presentation), you must submit your research abstract by February 29, 2024.
Live recording of an episode of the Les Lucioles podcast
You'll also have the chance to take part in a live recording of an episode of the Les Lucioles podcast, hosted by biologist-researchers Marie-Christine Lafrenière and Stéphanie Shousha, who welcome their colleagues from the Université de Montréal to popularize the biological research being done here in Quebec.
Visit their website : www.lesluciolespodcast.com
Merci à nos partenaires!
No location
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact symposium.biologie.1@gmail.com .