
* Toutes les heures indiquées sont basées sur l'heure Canada/Eastern EDT.

  • 2:00 PM


    2:00 PM - 2:30 PM EDT
    LSC Atrium

    Welcome and Introductory Remarks

    Remarks by Institute Leadership, Duncan Brown, Vice President for Research, and Dean Behzad Mortezavi, College of Arts & Sciences.

    2:30 PM


    2:30 PM - 3:30 PM EDT
    LSC Atrium

    Poster Session 1

    Featuring poster presentations by student and postdoctoral associates. This poster session generally represents posters from the Smart Materials and Form & Function focus groups.

    3:30 PM


    3:30 PM - 4:30 PM EDT
    LSC Atrium

    Wali Lecture Reception and IMPACT Poster Session

    Featuring IMPACT posters that highlight advances in outreach, teaching, translation, and any innovative approaches for creating societal impact. A reception celebrating the Kashi And Kameshwar C. Wali Lecture in the Sciences And Humanities will run concurrently.

    4:30 PM


    4:30 PM - 5:30 PM EDT
    LSC Atrium

    Eduardo Kac: “Rockets for the Sake of Poetry,” Kashi And Kameshwar C. Wali Lecture in the Sciences And Humanities

    The Kashi And Kameshwar C. Wali Lecture in the Sciences And Humanities is a partnership with Department of Physics and the Syracuse University Humanities Center. The Wali Lecture is an annual event where the sciences and humanities converge, fostering dialogue and new perspectives on current topics for all who attend. This year, the Wali Lecture is co-organized with the BioInspired Institute’s focus group Posthumanities: Arts and Sciences to present Eduardo Kac, Professor of Art and Technology Studies at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

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