journée annuelle ThéCell
Dear Friends and colleagues,
The CHU de Québec-Université Laval research center, in collaboration with the three other major pediatric research centers in Quebec, are pleased to announce that the fourth edition of the provincial conference on mother-child research will take place on the 29 and October 30, 2020 but in a virtual form! We would have been delighted to welcome you to Quebec city, but this decision is necessary to protect the participants and their families and participate in the collective effort to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus while maintaining the objectives of the congress which are of:
- Allow exchanges between researchers and students around mother-child research;
- Facilitate the exposure of participants to new themes / research disciplines;
- Serve as a forum for disseminating the latest advances in mother-child research in Quebec. As such, a special COVID-19 session will be added to the program.
The conduct and conviviality of the congress will be preserved as much as possible. Thus, as previously announced, this year the congress is innovating by setting up a theme: decompartmentalized health.
From planning a pregnancy to the fetal period, from birth to early development of the child, to the adolescent and his or her behaviors, health cannot be understood outside of its broader context that includes environment, family, infrastructure and community. This research decompartmentalization, at the intersection of several individuals, ages and disciplines, facilitates the emergence of new knowledge, both in basic and clinical research. This is the only way to approach the complex problems and contemporary challenges in mother-child research
Dr Richard E. Bélanger
By the end of the spring submission period, near a hundred of abstracts had been submitted. Following a change in the web platform, all summaries will have to be resubmitted, however we will ask you to specify in the form if your summary had already been submitted in the spring and if it was modified or not. Submission of new abstracts is always possible!
Instructions: your abstract can be written in French or English. It should contain a maximum of 300 words and be structured according to the following sections: Context, Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions.
Submission deadline: Sunday August 30, 2020, 11:30 p.m.
The decisions of the evaluating committee will be sent to you during the week of September 28, 2020.
Prizes will be awarded for the best oral (4) and poster (4) presentations.
Oral and poster presentations will take place on October 29, 2020.
Oral presentations:
Oral presentations will be made via the zoom platform. They should not exceed 12 minutes. A session chair will then ask you two or three questions from among those submitted in the Q&A by participants. Presenters will be invited at the end of their presentation session lasting a total of 1h30 to participate in a 30-minute discussion period moderated by the session chair, to discuss current issues around the session theme. and answer questions from participants. Your presentation schedule and instructions will be emailed to you.
Poster presentations:
The poster presentation sessions will also be interactive! You will have the opportunity to join a 3-4 person conversation with each of the authors. The posters will be visible on this website from Wednesday, October 28, 9 a.m.
You will have the possibility, in addition to a poster in image format (gif, jpeg, jpg, png), to submit additional figures ((gif, jpeg, jpg, png) or slides (ppt, pptx). Uploaded should be 30MB or less, preferred 16: 9 screen format. Please note, however, that the presentation of your work should be kept short to allow discussion with several interlocutors. The presentation of your poster to the members of the evaluation committee should be a maximum duration of 3 minutes.
Deadline for adding posters to your submission: Monday, October 26, 9 a.m.
Registration is free but required. Please use the same email address for your submission, registration and to connect to the Zoom virtual rooms.
Registration deadline: Tuesday October 27, 11:30 p.m.
The organizing committee warmly thanks the Fondation des Étoiles for their support.
Partenaires de la journée annuelle ThéCell
Online event
Registration period
September 30, 2021 - AM 8:00 until November 30, 2021 - PM 5:00
Submission period
September 30, 2021 - AM 8:00 until November 26, 2021 - PM 11:30
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact Friederike.Pfau@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca .