June 5-8, 2023

École d’été INTER-REPAR 2023


The organizing committee is happy to welcome you to our new event website! Here you will find more information about the objectives of the event, the speakers and the schedule.

You will also be able to explore the content and see the list of participants. You can also register, pay the registration costs and submit an abstract directly through this website.


Here are the main objectives of the event:

  1. Objective #1.
  2. Objective #2.
  3. Objective #3.
  4. Objective #4.

Nos partenaires

Comité organisateur


Hôtel et Suites Le Dauphin, Drummondville

600 Boulevard Saint-Joseph Drummondville, QC Canada, J2C 2C1

Registration period

March 23, 2023 - 12:00 AM until May 25, 2023 - 8:30 AM

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact catherine.page@usherbrooke.ca .

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