Congrès provincial de la recherche mère-enfant 2023
In the era of biobanks: from tissue pathology to clinical care
This year, the RI-MUHC, in collaboration with the three major pediatric research centers in Quebec, are pleased to present the new edition of the Congrès Mère-Enfant, which will take place on October 19th and 20th 2023 at the Cruess Amphitheater, RI-MUHC (in person meeting).
The objectives of the congress are:
To enable exchanges between researchers and students around maternal and child health research
Facilitate participants’ exposure to new research themes/disciplines
Serve as a venue for disseminating the latest advances in maternal and child health research in Quebec
This congress is aimed at clinical and fundamentalist researchers, graduate students, and residents. The organizing committee warmly thanks the Fondation des Étoiles for their support.
For this edition and considering the growing interest in the use of Biobanking, the theme will be “In the era of biobanks: from tissue pathology to clinical care”
Abstract submission are extended until September 15th, 11:30pm.
Amy Metcalfe, PhD
University of Calgary
Our partners
1001 Boulevard Décarie Montréal, QC Canada, H4A 3J1Registration period
August 1, 2023 - 07:00 until October 1, 2023 - 23:30
Submission period
August 1, 2023 - 07:00 until October 1, 2023 - 23:30
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