* Toutes les heures indiquées sont basées sur l'heure Canada/Eastern EST.

  • 09:00


    09:00 - 19:00 EST

    Présentation des affiches



    09:30 - 11:00 EST
    Grand Salon

    Présentation de la direction de PROTEO-Laval et assemblée générale des personnes étudiantes, postdoctorales et professionnelles de recherche



    10:30 - 12:00 EST

    Assemblée générale des membres réguliers

    Desjardins 2300 (section au-dessus du Pub Universitaire)



    11:00 - 12:00 EST
    Grand Salon

    Présentation d'opportunités par des personnes invitées de l'industrie biotech

    Pour la communauté étudiante, les stagiaires postdoctoraux et les personnes professionnelles de recherche Combining Metabolomics and AI - Claudia Carpentier, Linearis Labs Ingénierie de thérapies anticancéreuses jusqu'alors inimaginables - Philipe Gobeil & Henrique de Carvalho, 9Bio The Feldan Shuttle as a delivery platform for therapeutic molecules: from rational design to clinical trials - Al-Halifa Soultan, Feldan



    12:00 - 13:30 EST
    Grand Salon

    Diner (repas au Pub Universitaire)



    13:30 - 15:30 EST
    Grand Salon

    Présentations orales sélectionnées (8)

    1) Luis Fernando Sorroza Martinez (Bruno Gaillet) 2) Romain Durand (Christian Landry) 3) Bohdan Zhuravel (Nicolas Bisson) 4) Zacharie Morneau (Sylvain Moineau) 5) Hyerin Kim (Sophie Gobeil) 6) Ming Sun (Rong Shi) 7) Mia Pelletier (Bruno Gaillet) 8) François Rouleau (Christian Landry)



    15:30 - 16:00 EST

    Pause santé



    16:00 - 17:00 EST
    Grand Salon

    Conférence de Kimberley Reynolds, UT Southwestern, Texas, USA

    Title: The Genetic Landscape of a Biochemical Interaction Abstract: Individual proteins can be expressed, purified, and exquisitely characterized in terms of their biochemical and biophysical parameters in vitro. However, the quantitative relationship between these parameters and complex phenotypes like growth remains mysterious. For example, what values of protein abundance, thermal stability (ΔGfold) and catalytic activity (k cat , Km ) must an enzyme attain to sustain metabolic pathway flux and support cell growth? In many cases, we are missing even orders-of-magnitude level bounds on these fundamental biochemical parameters — we do not have a sense of which protein properties must be precisely tuned and which are robust to variation. To address this knowledge gap, my lab seeks to quantify the intracellular constraints on protein abundance, activity, regulation, and ultimately sequence. We then use this information to engineer new protein systems and build mathematical models relating protein activity and sequence to phenotype. In this talk, I will discuss our recent study of how variation in the activity of one enzyme constrains the biochemical parameters and sequence of another. Using a combination of deep mutational scanning and mathematical modeling we showed that inter-enzyme biochemical coupling can strongly reshape an enzyme’s sensitivity to mutation. Our data provide a comprehensive view of sequence constraints in a biochemically linked enzyme pair and open the door to high throughput measurements of enzyme biochemical parameters using growth-based assays.



    17:00 - 18:30 EST

    Cocktail et présentations par affiche


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