About the SLx

Dear service-learning students, faculty, community partners, and friends,

Welcome to the virtual Service-Learning Exhibition!

This exhibition celebrates the outstanding efforts of our dedicated students, faculty, and community partners, and recognizes their contributions to strengthening our communities and enhancing education.

In this exhibit, you will see inspiring posters and videos that demonstrate the dedication and tenacity of Boise State students, faculty, and community partners.

This exhibit shows how students from a range of disciplines are applying their coursework to community priorities, including promoting healthy communities, environmental sustainability, resilience in youth, families, addressing housing insecurity, and more.

Service-Learning is more important than ever. It provides students with opportunities to practice problem-solving skills and to bring creativity to pressing issues facing our society.

Enjoy this exhibition. You will be inspired.
Kara Brascia, Service-Learning Director

Dear service-learning students, faculty, community partners, and  friends,

Service-Learning in Action & Participation

Overall, 42% of Boise State 2022 graduates have engaged in a Service-Learning experience as part of their education. After 21 years of Service-Learning courses, Boise State students have contributed over 1 million hours of service! These hours translate to a value of over twenty million dollars into our communities!

2022 - 2023 SL Participation
46,306 Hours of Service
1,431 Students
102 Service-Learning Classes
55 Unique Faculty

* Independent Sector calculates the value of each volunteer hour annually

Service-Learning in Action & Participation


April Howell DNP, RN
Chelsea Painter MSN, APRN, FNP-C
Christine Moore MA
Holly Dovel MSN, RN
Jeannine Suter MSN, RN
Jessica Bohart BSN, RN
John Ziker Ph.D
Margaret Sass J.D.,Ph.D.
Mari Rice Ed.D
Max Veltman RN, CPNP, Ph.D.
Terri Lindemann MSN-PH, BSN, RN


Community Partners

Armada Corps
Boise Parks and Recreation
Boise State Campus Sustainability
Boise Urban Garden School (BUGS)
Central District Health
Downtown Boise Association
Good Samaritan Home
Idaho Fish and Game
Idaho Food Bank
Idaho Youth Ranch: Hays House
Initial Point High School
Interfaith Sanctuary
Marsing School District
Terry Reilly Health Services
TIP of the Treasure Valley
Treasure Valley Canopy Network
4-H sponsored by University of Idaho

Community Partners

Thank You!

Thank You for visiting the Service-Learning Exhibition! We hope you enjoyed seeing the students’ work and reflections on their time serving alongside Treasure Valley community partners.

If you have questions, concerns, or want more information about service-learning, please go to our website or contact us at servicelearning@boisestate.edu.

Thank You!
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