May 27 to June 9, 2021

Symposium annuel du GRIL 2021

Welcome to the 2021 Annual GRIL Symposium website!

***Updated April 23, 2021

The 30th GRIL Annual Symposium will be 100% online via Zoom and Gather Town.

On this page :


Do you have questions after reading the information below?

Follow this link to find out who to contact!



Daniel Hering, Professor at the Department of Aquatic Ecology of the University of Duisburg and Essen (Germany)

Title: Relationships of multiple stressors and biological responses in freshwaters: Impact, scales and mechanisms.


Bailey McMeans, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, University of Toronto (Canada)

Title: Tracing temporally dynamic energy flows: combining biotracers to understand the individual to ecosystem level responses to seasonal variation.



Language of presentations: The Symposium Organizing Committee encourages speakers to present in one official language and to provide the visual support in the other official language, in order to facilitate the understanding of all, unilingual French and unilingual English.

Final program: A link to the final program will be sent to all registered participants.



Symposium - Short Presentations (May 27 to June 9)

May 27 to June 9: Short presentations available online for viewing by all participants.

June 3, from 3 to 5 pm: GRIL Virtual Happy Hour (Gather Town): discussion with speakers.

Symposium - Conferences (June 8 and 9)

Tuesday, June 8

8:30 am: Welcome - Beatrix Beisner, GRIL Director

8:45 am: Guest speaker: Daniel Hering


  • Presentations by new GRIL Researcher Members
  • Conference sessions
  • What's new with the GRIL

Lunch break


  • Conference sessions

Wednesday, June 9

8:30 am: Welcome - Beatrix Beisner, GRIL Director

8:45 am: Guest Speaker: Bailey McMeans


  • Presentations by new GRIL research members
  • Conference sessions

Lunch Break


  • Conference sessions
  • GRIL awards and closing remarks



Conferences (12 minutes)

  • 12 minutes (including questions)
  • Only one conference per GRIL laboratory will be scheduled, preferably given by a student. It is up to the primary researcher to determine the content of the presentation (summary of the work of his or her laboratory or that of the presenting student).
  • If there are too many requests for oral presentations, priority will be given to labs that did not present at our last Symposium in 2019 at Jouvence.
  • Confirmations for accepted talks will be sent on May 14, 2021.
  • We ask that speakers record their presentation in advance to avoid connection issues. The videos will be played to audience online according to the schedule. Individuals must be available online at the time of their presentation to answer questions.

Recording Procedure:

  • Step 1 - Record your presentation with narration and timing (via PowerPoint* (choose version), Keynote*, Prezi, video animation, etc.).
    *For those who choose to use PowerPoint or Keynote, here's how to convert the narrated slide to video format: PowerPoint (choose the version) or Keynote.
  • Step 2 - Email the video file to Marie-Andrée Fallu before June 2, 2021 using the online sharing tool of your choice (Dropbox, Google Drive, WeTransfer, etc.).


  • Use the Laser Pointer tool to direct the audience during your presentation.
  • Video format: MPEG-4/MP4 (Windows) and MOV (Mac).
  • Recommended resolution: HD (720p) or Full HD (1080p).

Deadline to submit your video presentation: June 2, 2021

Short Presentations (180 seconds)

This year, poster presentations will be replaced by short presentations that will be recorded and broadcast in advance. We suggest that participants proceed by video recording with narration (ex: PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi) following the instructions below. The videos received will be put online on the GRIL's private YouTube channel and will be accessible to all GRIL members starting May 27 via the intranet.

Best short presentations: six $100 prizes will be awarded to GRIL members: three at the Master's level and three at the PhD level.


  • Video length: maximum 3 minutes (180 seconds).
  • Prepare the recording of your presentation by following the instructions below.
  • Evaluation: those who wish to be evaluated for their short presentation should have indicated this in the registration form. Evaluations will take place from May 27 to June 4.
  • Condition related to recordings: participants who submit a video of their short presentation agree that GRIL will give access to the recording of the presentations to all its members via its private YouTube channel (links available on the GRIL intranet).

Deadline to submit your video presentation: May 20, 2021

Steps to follow for the recording:

  • Step 1 - Record your presentation with narration and timing (via PowerPoint* (choose version), Keynote*, Prezi, video animation, etc.).
    *For those who choose to use PowerPoint or Keynote, here's how to convert the narrated slide to video format: PowerPoint (choose the version) or Keynote.
  • Step 2 - Email the video file to Marie-Andrée Fallu before May 20, 2021 using the online sharing tool of your choice (Dropbox, Google Drive, WeTransfer, etc.).


  • Video format: MPEG-4/MP4 (Windows) and MOV (Mac).
  • Recommended resolution: HD (720p) or Full HD (1080p).



A flat fee of $20 per person is required this year.

To register, please go to the Registration page.


Online event

Registration period

April 8, 2021 - 8:30 AM until June 7, 2021 - 11:30 PM

Submission period

April 8, 2021 - 9:00 AM until May 20, 2021 - 1:00 PM

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact .

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