Information and Key Dates

Key Dates

Abstract submission is now closed.

Travel awards awardees have all been notified already

Abstracts for the IFPA meeting are published in Placenta, the official journal of IFPA.
You can access Placenta at

New Investigator Status Form

To apply for New Investigator travel awards the applicant must complete an NI form (see below).

NI's are required to send the New Investigator Form signed by their Supervisor, Mentor, or Department Chair, confirming that the applicant is a student or researcher currently in full-time training, or within 3 years of their senior degree (e.g. Ph.D., M.D.).

*Details of the full range of NI awards available in 2024 are still under negotiation. Please tick the relevant box to apply for awards for any geographic location to be considered for these (this will encompass awards from several distinct funders). US-based NI’s should also check the NIH Award box.

  • IFPA2024
  • IFPA
  • Elsevier
  • IFPA french