Postdoc Research day
Welcome to the 2021 Postdoc Research Day virtual poster conference!
We are proud to present the exciting work our postdocs are doing in Astrophysics and Space Science; Earth Science; Planetary Science and Life Detection; and Technology, Instrumentation, and Engineering disciplines.
The virtual poster conference summarizes cutting-edge science and technology work the postdocs and their advisors are conducting. We hope you not only view the posters but also engage with the postdocs by
reaching out to them directly via email or by typing your questions or comments in their poster comment box.
Go to "Poster Hall" and click on the posters you want to view. We also invite you to listen to the accompanying 5-minute audio file attached as a slide or video.
Lieu de l'événement
Événement en ligne
Période d'inscription
4 novembre 2021 - 19:00 jusqu'au 20 décembre 2021 - 16:00
Pour toute question sur l'événement, veuillez contacter: postdocs@jpl.nasa.gov .