ThermoChimie Workshop
ThermoChimie Worskhop
(Le Meridien Hotel in New Orleans, USA on September 27th, 2025)
ThermoChimie is a thermodynamic database initially created and developed by Andra (French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency), for more than twenty years (1995). In October 2014, Nuclear Waste Services (formerly Radioactive Waste Management Limited, UK) joined the project and the "ThermoChimie consortium" was formed. In March 2018, ONDRAF/NIRAS (Belgian Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Materials) also joined the "ThermoChimie consortium". ThermoChimie database is used in support of the assessment of radionuclide and non-radiological pollutant behaviour in a range of scenarios, such as within radioactive waste packages and geological disposal facilities, through the geosphere, and in legacy contaminated land.
This one-day workshop (coupled to the Migration '25 conference) will provide an update of the ThermoChimie database as developed during phase 3 (2018-2025), collect feedback from the users in a round table and include a discussion of possible priorities for the next phase of ThermoChimie database development.
The workshop will take place at Le Meridien Hotel in New Orleans, USA on September 27th, 2025.
Registration is free of charge, but the number of participants is limited.
Details and agenda are forthcoming.