April 16-18, 2024

Retail Program Standards Symposium 2024

Call for Abstracts

The Call for Abstracts for the Retail Program Standards Symposium 2024 (RPSS) will be open December 11th, 2023 through January 19th, 2024

Questions about submitting your abstract? Contact Joetta DeFrancesco jdefrancesco@neha.org


The RPSS Agenda is currently under careful development to provide an innovative and insightful event, to support programs in achieving conformance with the Standards.

We are organizing sessions into three distinct tracks, to cater to different experience levels with the Retail Program Standards. We invite you to contribute to this enriching event by submitting an abstract for one of the following sessions:

TRACK 1: New to the Retail Program Standards

  • Low Hanging Fruit: Determining Where to Begin (60 min)

Module designed for jurisdictions just starting out in the Retail Program Standards to help them cut through the confusion and determine where to begin.

Presentation: 45 min / Q&A: 15 min

  • Leveraging Leadership Buy In (60 min)

Leadership buy in is crucial to a jurisdiction’s success at the Retail Program Standards. This presentation is one jurisdictions approach to leveraging leadership buy in for their program.

Presentation: 45 min / Q&A: 15 min

TRACK 2: Somewhat experienced with the Retail Program Standards

  • Using the RPS to Build Uniformity into your Program (60 min)

Uniformity can be seen throughout the RPS, this presentation covers how jurisdictions can utilize the RPS to build uniformity into food safety systems.

Presentation: 45 min / Q&A: 15 min

TRACK 3: Highly experienced with the Retail Program Standards

  • Standard 9 (focus on Intervention Strategy; how, why, are they appropriate?) (60 min)

Determining strong appropriate and measurable intervention strategy can be a complex process. This series of presentations focuses on how 3 jurisdictions designed and measured interventions when working on Standard 9.

3 Abstracts will be accepted for this session

Presentation: 45 min (3 - 15 min presentations) / Q&A: 15 min

Abstract Review Criteria

The RPSS 2024 Review Committee will review all submissions based on quality, relevance, impact, and originality. Prospective presenters are welcome to reference products as long as product references add to the educational value and are presented in a noncommercial fashion.

Abstract Submission Terms and Conditions

  • When submitting an abstract, you are the point of contact for that submission. You will be the only person notified by e-mail with information pertaining to the abstract. Additional speakers listed will NOT be notified directly, only the submitter whose account was used. It is your responsibility, as the submitter, to forward communications to other speakers/presenters or other relevant parties.
  • To submit an abstract, you must be a speaker, panelist, or otherwise directly connected to the abstract. NEHA does not accept abstracts submitted by a third party.
  • All presenters must be at least 18 years old.
  • Submitted abstracts must be in their final form. Revisions or edits are not possible.


Online event

Submission period

December 11, 2023 - 12:00 AM until January 19, 2024 - 11:30 PM

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact egrenier@neha.org .