UIC SPH Poster Competition
Welcome to the Poster Competition!
The purpose of this annual event, at its core, is to bring us together as a community to recognize and support the superb public health research that takes place in the school - across all levels. Students are encouraged to present posters highlighting their research and scholarly work. Posters will be displayed in an online showcase, and judges will review posters and interact with students remotely. Judges are welcome from the SPH community of faculty, staff, doctoral students, and alumni, as well as our community and practice partners. This event is an excellent opportunity for students and public health professionals to connect around current public health issues.
Poster Showcase
The poster showcase will be displayed over the course of Research Week. Registered participants will have the opportunity to interact with posters by upvoting and commenting. A "live event" feature will also be available between April 3-7 where participants may engage in real-time virtual interactions with other online participants.
ALL event participants must first register using the Fourwaves registration form.
STUDENT PRESENTERS, you may submit your posters and abstracts using the submission form after registration.
POSTER JUDGES, you will receive a confirmation of your registration and a follow-up email from Fourwaves about your poster assignments.
Your Fourwaves login details are important and will grant you access to all event features (upvoting, commenting, live event interaction, etc.)
Online event
Registration period
March 3, 2023 - 00:00 until April 14, 2023 - 23:30
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact sph-research@uic.edu .