November 5-7, 2021

SQEBC 2021 symposium

Programme SQEBC 2021

Here is the complete programm for SQEBC 2021!

Guide "How to" Fourwaves

Short home made guide to Fourwaves to help you with the platform

Welcome to the SQEBC 2021!

For any questions, please write to us at
Cancellations with refund are possible until October 27th maximum.

A word from the SQEBC president

Chers membres de la SQEBC,

Après une belle année passée au rythme des vagues et des cycles de confinements, voici que les universités sont prêtes à rouvrir leurs portes, en dépit d’un variant Delta qui s’installe. Ça me réjouit de pouvoir discuter avec mes collègues et de revoir les é en chair et en os, même si les règles proposées par les universités semblent parfois construites selon une logique surprenante.

Dans un esprit similaire d’ouverture, nous avons décidé d’aller de l’avant avec une conférence SQEBC2021 à l’Université de Sherbrooke. Après la SQEBC2020 virtuelle, organisée d’arrache-pied par une équipe du tonnerre et plusieurs volontaires dans plusieurs universités, nous innovons encore cette année avec une formule de conférence hybride qui - nous l’espérons - satisfera tout le monde. Fanie, Audrey et leur équipe de Sherbrooke nous préparent une superbe conférence lors de laquelle nous pourrons échanger des connaissances sur le comportement et l’écologie, en limitant au maximum les risques d’échanger des aérosols !

La thématique, plus que jamais d’actualité, gravitera autour des questions de conservation et de société. Elle réunira pour invités, Alain Branchaud, Directeur de la Société pour la Nature et les Parcs du Canada, Catherine Turgeon, professeure à l’UQO, et de Ryan Norris professeur à l’Université de Guelph. Nul doute que nous aurons de quoi discuter : changements climatiques, espèces envahissantes, surexploitation, pollution, urbanisation et destruction des habitats… Il y a de la job pour les écologistes, mais la tâche est lourde et les défis nombreux!

On m’a également confié la tâche de vous encourager vivement à vous inscrire, que vous veniez à Sherbrooke ou que vous décidiez de rester derrière votre écran d’ordinateur. Je vous convie également à motiver vos é de tous les cycles à participer à ce bel évènement. Après une année difficile, nous devons poursuivre nos efforts pour garder la SQEBC en santé !

Denis Réale

A hybrid event

Following a survey we conducted this summer, we are organizing a hybrid event where you will be able to attend and / or present in person or online. We of course hope to welcome you on site, since we are planning exciting social activities while respecting sanitary rules!


In addition to being able to register on site or remotely and submit a presentation, the Fourwaves platform will allow us to share posters and presentations by participants. The schedule will be available during the month of October. So stay tuned! If you need help with the platform, first refer to the "How to" on Slack. You can also consult the Fourwaves help center. If you do not find the answer to your question, contact us.

Friday's workshop

We will hold the tradionnal Friday's student workshop this year! More details to come.


For accommodation options, visit the Destination Sherbrooke website (

The organizing committee

Conférenciers invités

Under the theme Conservation and society, get to know our invited speakers!

  • Alain Branchaud

    Alain Branchaud

    Directeur général - Société pour la Nature et les Parcs du Canada

    Presentation title: Protecting Nature: between love, science and war

    La Société pour la nature et les parcs (SNAP Québec) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of nature. We are working to create a network of protected areas across the province to ensure the long-term protection of the boreal forest, the Far North, the St. Lawrence and the ecosystems that support our species at risk. We also ensure the proper management of existing protected areas.

    It is with twenty years of experience in the field of conservation that Alain joined the SNAP Quebec team in 2015. In the past, he worked on the development of Environment Canada's species at risk program. . He is also the co-founder of the Rescousse Project, whose mission was to raise awareness of threatened or vulnerable wildlife species in Quebec and to raise funds to help them.

  • Katrine Turgeon

    Katrine Turgeon

    Professeure - Université du Québec en Outaouais et ISFORT

    Presentation title: Coming soon

    Katrine Turgeon seeks to integrate socio-ecological complexity into our research projects for better management and conservation of our aquatic ecosystems and their biodiversity. Its research is transdisciplinary and inclusive, using methodologies from the natural sciences, social sciences and engineering, and engages collaborators from academia, industry and government. Professor Turgeon is also co-holder of CESCO (research chair on the social issues of conservation), a research chair funded by the MFFP to facilitate the conservation of wildlife habitats on private lands.

  • Ryan Norris

    Ryan Norris

    Professeur - Université de Guelph

    Presentation: Science takes part but should it take sides?

    Good science has never been more important than in the current biodiversity crisis we are experiencing. However, as conditions around the our planet continue to worsen, many of us, particularly the new generation of conservation biologists, might ask: as scientists, what roles in society should or can we play in the biodiversity crisis? Should we just be objective producers of knowledge or do we have an obligation to do more? If the latter, are we compromising our science? In this talk, I draw from my own experiences and from others, to explore answers to these questions. My aim is to open the dialogue on how best we, as scientists, can optimally contribute to stemming the biodiversity crisis.

    Ryan Norris is a Professor in the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of Guelph. His research focuses on the population ecology and conservation of terrestrial animal populations, most notably migratory songbirds and butterflies. Over his career, he has changed his view many times about the role of scientists play in society.

Thanks to our partners!

  • Département de biologie de l'UdeS
  • Destination Sherbrooke


Hybrid event

Université de Sherbrooke

2500 , boulevard de l'Université Sherbrooke, Québec Canada, J1K 2R1

Registration period

September 14, 2021 - 00:00 until November 4, 2021 - 23:30

Submission period

September 14, 2021 - 00:00 until October 10, 2021 - 23:30

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact .

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