September 20, 2023


Join us on September 20th in Kelowna.

Type 2 Diabetes Spark Innovation Challenge

The BC Diabetes Research Network is happy to welcome you to our Type 2 Diabetes Spark Innovation Challenge website!

Here you will find more information about the funding competition, you can register to attend the special event and submit your funding proposal.

This website will be our digital event program and how we will communicate with attendees.

We look forward to hosting you on September 20th to our live event at the Kelowna Innovation Centre.

5:30-6:30 Networking Reception-light refreshments and beverages.

6:30-7:30 A group of innovators will present their ideas to improve the lives of people living with Type 2 Diabetes to a panel of judges. Similar to CBC "Dragon's Den" the judges will decide which proposals will receive funding.

7:30-8:00 Award announcements

Type 2 Diabetes Spark Innovation Challenge 2023

Some of our biggest challenges don’t always require the biggest solutions. They require a new approach, a smart solution or an innovative collaboration.

Presented by UBC and supported by Boehringer Ingelheim (BI) the Type 2 Diabetes Spark! is an opportunity for new or existing partners to look at the challenge of type 2 diabetes and design innovative solutions for type 2 diabetes prevention, management, and remission.

The purpose of T2D Spark! is to provide a platform for researchers, students, health care providers, innovators and people living with or affected by type 2 diabetes to present their unique and innovative ideas for solutions or technologies and to foster collaboration and networking opportunities with industry professionals, academics and individuals with lived experience.


Presented by Boehringer Ingelheim, in association with UBC, the BC Diabetes Research Network, Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management and Interior Health Authority.

Do you have an idea with potential to spark change for British Columbians living with Type 2 diabetes?

The Details:

Funding is available for new and emerging projects to address specific challenges, barriers and or inequities among patients living with or affected by type 2 diabetes.Proposals will be evaluated by an expert arms-length panel and will Include representatives of BCDRN, award sponsors and people living with type 2 diabetes.

Proposals will be reviewed for innovation, relevance to technology and health outcomes, and feasibility. While each entry can be for one individual or organization, we seek solutions including a diverse partnership including those living with or affected by type 2 diabetes, innovators and entrepreneurs in digital, technology or industry space, health care providers and researchers.

The Competition:

Funding Available: $25,000

T2D Spark aims to foster innovation in type 2 diabetes by supporting partnerships between university researchers, healthcare practitioners, industry, and/or community organizations.

We will award one grand prize of $15,000 and one runner-up prize of $10,000 from teams that have an innovative idea, product, or concept in the areas of prevention, treatment, or reversal of type 2 diabetes and its complications.

Teams must complete a short online application form.

Winners will be announced at a community event held on September 20 at the Innovation Centre in Downtown Kelowna. The event format is similar to a CBC “Dragon’s Den” where successful proposals will be presented to a panel of judges.

Award funds must be spent within one year and teams are required to submit a final report outlining the achievement of key deliverables upon completion.


The Innovation Centre is the Okanagan's creativity hub

460 Doyle Avenue Kelowna, BC Canada, V1Y 2A2

Registration period

June 5, 2023 - 10:55 PM until September 20, 2023 - 8:00 PM

Submission period

July 6, 2023 - 10:55 PM until September 15, 2023 - 6:30 PM

Contact us

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