July 30, 2024

6th Annual MAS Summer Science and Engineering Symposium

BOST Extension Center, MSU

BOST Extension Center, MSU


The MAS Summer Symposium is designed to bring students (undergraduates and graduates) and postdoctoral researchers across all branches of science divisions to present their research findings through poster presentations, interact with their peers and the scientific communities; explore career opportunities; make personal contacts that can lead to job opportunities; receive information from potential employers; enhance communication and networking skills; establish professional relationships; find out about internships and job opportunities with companies, universities, and the USDA-ARS. Who can attend: Students conducting research in the areas of agriculture and plant sciences; molecular biology, pathology, entomology, genetics, chemistry, health sciences, outcomes, and population; all divisions of engineering or related subjects are highly encouraged to participate and compete for prestigious awards. Exhibitors from local vendors, institutions, and companies interested in recruiting young students for their programs are offered


Here are the main objectives of the event:

  1. To enhance participation from young professionals and advanced students in bioengineering and science
  2. Encourage a high level of professionalism as a standard for young investigators and students
  3. To foster and promote research, development and education in the sciences and engineering

ABSTRACT: The abstract should be typed in English using MS word (Single space; Font- Times New Roman; Font size- 12) and should not exceed 250 words. The abstracts must contain the title of the paper, name(s) of the author(s) followed by their affiliation, and e-mail. The name of presenting author should be underlined. All abstracts will be reviewed, and applicants will be notified of their abstract acceptance by July 5, 2024.

Poster Presentation Guidelines: Maximum Poster Size: Height -36″x Width -48". Push-pins and poster stands and boards will be provided.

Awards: Best presentations will be selected by expert judges according to MAS guidelines. There will be five winners per category (High school, Undergraduate, MS, Ph.D., Post-docs, and 3-Minute orals. In each category, the first, second, and third place winners will receive cash and certificates, and fourth and fifth places will receive an honorable mention certificate. All winners will receive a complimentary one-year membership to MAS

Summer Flyer

Summer Research and Engineering Symposium

The final program for the event


6th Annual MAS Summer Science and Engineering Conference

190 Bost Drive Starkville, Mississippi USA, 39759

Registration period

March 15, 2024 - 1:22 PM until July 30, 2024 - 4:00 PM

Submission period

March 15, 2024 - 1:22 PM until July 11, 2024 - 11:59 PM

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact mtucci@umc.edu .

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