Call for Submissions

Call for Scientific Posters and Music Learning Games Activities


The seminar welcomes about 40 poster presentations from researchers, graduate students, game designers working in the field of educational games or using the game in their pedagogy. These posters can be about Learning Through Play or Learning Music Through Play with or without technology.


The seminar also welcomes educational game companies, game designers, practitioners or academics to present to the delegates musical games that they have created or they are using in their pedagogy to learn music through play. About 30 musical game presentations will be invited. These presentations will take place at lunch time and presenters will have about 90 minutes to showcase and play their game with the delegates.


  • Academics research projects
    • Work completed or in-progress
  • Master or PhD projects
  • Game designers


  • Games (digital or non-digital) developed by the industry
  • Games (digital or non-digital) used or developed by music teachers
  • Examples of playful music activities targeting learners from any ages


  • The online submission system must be used to submit a proposal for the posters session or for the music learning game activities. You have access to the form under the tab Submission.
  • All submissions and presentations must be in English. Submissions and presentations in French could also be considered.


The submission MUST include details of any equipment, instruments or facilities that you will require and cannot provide yourself. If any requirements are not included in the submission, the seminar organizers cannot guarantee to meet your needs and you may need to find alternative ways to present.

The deadline for submissions to the International Seminar LMusTP is midnight (your time), January 31, 2019. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Applicants will be notified of the results of the review process for presentations on or before February 14, 2019.

Successful applicants must confirm participation as presenters, by registering as a delegate for the International Seminar no later than February 25, 2019. Should successful applicants not comply with this requirement, their submission may be withdrawn from the program.

1. Posters
2. Learning music games activities

Abstracts for the two categories of submission must be in English (possibility in French too) with the text up to 300 words in length (excluding title and author information). The abstract should not include references.

POSTERS: The abstract should include the following 5 items:
1. Theoretical/pedagogical background of the project (context, problem, etc.)
2. Aim/focus of the work/research reported
3. Method/approach of the work
4. Results and/or summary of the main ideas
5. Conclusions and implications for education or music education.

Authors of accepted posters are invited to bring their poster to display during the Seminar. Poster specifications (size, format, etc.) will be provided upon acceptance. Titles of Abstracts for the Poster Session will appear in the Seminar program and the abstracts will appear in the Seminar Abstract booklet. Posters will be grouped into one session of 90 minutes during the last day of the seminar.

GAME ACTIVITIES: The abstract should include the following 5 items
1. Background information (why you created or you are using that game with your students, etc.)
2. Purpose of the activity (what you want to share with the delegates, etc.)
3. Description of your game(s) (learning goal, rules, game elements, etc.)
4. Description of the activity carried out with the delegates
5. Implications for music education in general.

Sessions will have a designated time-slots (normally a total of 90 minutes) at lunch time during the first two days of the seminar.

Demonstration groups of pupils can only be used if all arrangements are organized by the presenter, because the organizing committee cannot provide for this. For demonstrations of software or other equipment authors will be responsible for ensuring that the necessary equipment is available. Submissions must therefore include a full description of the equipment and facilities needed.

For further information, please contact the LMusTP Office Email:

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