October 28, 2022

2022 Prisma Health Research Showcase

2022 Prisma Health Research Showcase

When | Friday, October 28, 2022 from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm

Where | Greenville Memorial Medical Campus, Greenville, SC

Clemson University Nursing Building (CUNB), Rooms 464/468 (Poster session)
UofSC School of Medicine Greenville (UofSC SOMG) Building, Rooms 371/372, MDL (Poster session)
Clemson University Nursing Building, 1st floor Auditorium (Awards ceremony)
Connector, 4th floor between CUNB and UofSC SOMG (Exhibit Hall)

Address of CUNB: 605 Grove Road, Greenville, SC 29605
Address of UofSC SOMG Building: 607 Grove Road, Greenville, SC 29605

See map of the Greenville Memorial Medical Campus below.

Who | All are invited to attend and Health Sciences Center-affiliated clinicians and academicians (Prisma Health, Clemson University, Furman University, and University of South Carolina) and their students, residents, and fellows are encouraged to submit abstracts for poster presentation.

What | The Health Sciences Center at Prisma Health celebrates selected research and scholarly activity annually at the Prisma Health Research Showcase. This continuing learning opportunity hosts a scientifically diverse spectrum of basic and clinical research and quality improvement activities aligned with Prisma Health priorities and goals. Through the Showcase, Prisma Health with its academic partners (Clemson University, Furman University, and University of South Carolina) seeks to encourage comraderie and collaboration producing evidence informing clinical practice. The Showcase also provides a venue for individuals to refine their peer-reviewed presentation skills.

Poster Locations

View location of posters that will be available for review on October 28th. We look forward to seeing you there.

Greenville Memorial Medical Campus Map

View location of the event and parking information.

Information for Exhibit hall hosts

View details for hosting an Exhibit hall table.

Call for Abstracts - Includes Poster Guidelines

The Call for Abstracts document provides further details related to the 2022 Prisma Health Research Showcase to include abstract submission information and poster guidelines. For those abstracts selected for presentation, digital posters are due by Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.

Interested in reviewing the 2021 abstracts and presentations? Click here.

HSC logos.JPG


CU Nursing & UofSC School of Medicine Greenville Buildings

605 & 607 Grove Road Greenville, South Carolina USA, 29605

Submission period

July 20, 2022 - 12:00 AM until September 7, 2022 - 11:30 AM

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact Research-Assist@prismahealth.org .

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