École d'été 2024 - Modélisation de la biodiversité
Summer School in Biodiversity Modelling: Indicators to monitor biodiversity changes
This annual summer school will give you the opportunity to further your knowledge of biodiversity modelling, in an informal and friendly atmosphere. The theme of the 2024 edition will be "Indicators to monitor biodiversity changes".
The main objective of the 2024 Summer School in Computational Biodiversity Science will be to develop a report on the current state of biodiversity in Canada, based on the most recent science on biodiversity indicators and using state-of-the-art technologies in data science. The intensive course consists of a five-day workshop dedicated to data analysis, complemented by short technical lectures by leading scientists in the domain.
The Summer School is presented by Université de Sherbrooke and by the training program in computational biodiversity science and services BIOS2 .
- Date: May 13 to 17, 2024. Participants are expected on May 3, 2024, at 9 am.
- Location: Jouvence, Orford, Qc.
- Cost: $600 (shared room) / $800 (private room), including registration fees, educational material, accommodation, meals and coffee breaks.
Classes will be taught in English, with bilingual support, and workshops will be conducted in both languages.
More information here: https://www.usherbrooke.ca/ecoles-de-pointe/en/biology/2024-biodiversity-modelling
Selected applicants must complete this online form, send the requested documents and pay the registration fee by April 28, 2024, to confirm their participation.
- Tuition fees may be charged separately if the course is credited as part of your program of study (UdeS students or registration via BCI).
- If you are a BIOS2 Fellow or have received a registration fee waiver, you must still make the payment to confirm your participation. You will receive a refund (or scholarship) at the end of the summer school to cover the registration fee.
- No refunds will be made in the event of a cancellation.
To continue, select "Registration" from the main menu (top left).
Centre de Villégiature Jouvence
131 Chemin de Jouvence Orford, QC Canada, J1X 6R2Registration period
April 16, 2024 - 21:00 until May 3, 2024 - 23:59
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact ecole.biologie@usherbrooke.ca .