April 23-24, 2024

2024 Shriners Hospitals for Children - Canada Seminar


Shriners Hospitals for Children - Canada is looking forward to welcoming you in person or virtually during the 2024 Annual Hospital Seminar. As Shriners and Ladies, this is your unique opportunity to learn more about your Canadian hospital, the advances in care and research, the impact on children and families and the vision for the future. It is a privileged time to meet with the staff soak in the information and we hope, be inspired!

This is your resource to find information about the event, the schedule and, as they are confirmed, the speakers and activities. This is also where you must register for the event and activities.

While there is no cost to the Seminar, this year we invite you to bring a canned good or dry goods that we can place in our Chez Fezzy Food Pantry for families. These goods are available to the families free of charge.


The main objectives of this event are:

  1. To offer Shriners and Ladies the latest information about Shriners Hospitals for Children - Canada
  2. To promote collaboration, discussion and support for the Hospital and the Fraternity
  3. To share common challenges and find solutions
  4. To provide Shriners and Ladies with material and presentations to distribute and share in their communities
  5. To connect and also have a little fun!


We have also planned some additional activities surrounding the Seminar! Please make sure to register!

CAST Meeting - Reserved for Nobles, this meeting will be held at 10h30 am on April 23rd both in person and virtually. This meeting will allow you to learn about CAST, activities and plans.

TOUR of Montreal - This will be held from 9 am to noon on April 23rd. Ladies will be picked up at the Nouvel Hotel and have a personalized guided tour of some key historic, cultural and fun features of Montreal. The cost will be $40 cash, paid at departure.

Cocktails & Dinner at the Grand Lodge of Québec - During cocktails, short tours of the Grand Lodge will allow you to discover some of the history held within the walls of this impressive building. This evening is meant to allow to relax and get to know your fellow Seminar participants as well as the hospital leadership.

TOUR of the Hospital - While we will tour certain sections during the Seminar, this quick tour scheduled at 8:30 in the morning will allow you to see some areas that are not open to the public as well as key sectors of for patient care.

Hotel Reservations!

Please remember that you must reserve your hotel separately if you are attending the event in person. Hotel reservations close on Monday, April 1st.

The Nouvel Hotel group rate is $139 from April 22 to 25. Please call 1-800-363-6063, and request to speak to Lidia Churko - Mention code: SHCCANADA . You will need to confirm your arrival and departure. Credit card required.

Costs - what to expect:

Chez Fezzy

While there is no cost to the Seminar, this year we invite you to bring a canned good or dry goods that we can place in our Chez Fezzy Food Pantry for families. These goods are available to the families free of charge.


It is important to note that participants attending in person are responsible for their transportation costs from to and from the airport as well as to and from the hotel. While the dinner is in walking distance of the hotel, taxi coupons will be made available for this activity.

If you are driving and wish to park at the hospital, please bring your white ticket with you and we will exchange it to cover parking costs. Parking at the hotel is on your own, we suggest that you confirm this when making your reservation.


Lunches and coffee breaks on the 23rd and 24th are offered by the hospital for those attending in person. Dinner and cocktails on the 23rd are also offered by the hospital on the 23rd.

City Tour

The City tour will be at a cost of $40 payable in cash at the start of the tour. We must have a minimum of 10 participants for the tour to occur.


Hybrid event

Shriners Hospitals for Children - Canada

1003 Boulevard Décarie Montréal, QC Canada, H4A 0A9

Registration period

March 22, 2024 - 6:07 AM until April 15, 2024 - 5:00 PM

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact erondeau@shrinenet.org .

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