May 3-5, 2022

43rd International Neuroscience Symposium of the Université de Montréal - Multiple Sclerosis


The 43rd International Neuroscience Symposium of the Université de Montréal, organized by the Department of Neurosciences of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Montreal, will take place from May 3rd to May 5th, 2022 under the theme: Cutting-edge advances in MS pathobiology and management. Three full days of events, symposiums and discussions on research and knowledge.

Registration are open now !

Registrations at preferential rates are in progress until April 2. Register now as there are a limited number of places.


Registration are open now !

Submit an abstract

There will be a poster session on May 4, in person, at CRCHUM, agora. All those interested in submitting a poster are invited to submit an abstract.

Registration to the event is required to submit an abstract.


Submit an abstract

Event format for the 43rd edition

In view of the evolution of the health situation, the organizing committee of the 43rd International Neuroscience Symposium of the University of Montreal, which will take place from May 3rd to May 5th, 2022, has decided to hold the event in a face-to-face format. The committee will closely follow the evolution of the situation and changes will be made if the situation requires it.

The details of this special programming, which will offer moments of meeting and networking to our community, will be announced in our next communications.

Event format for the 43rd edition

May 3rd - CME Day - Speakers

May 3rd - CME Day - Speakers

May 4 - Scientific Day - Speakers

May 4 - Scientific Day - Speakers

May 5th - Scientific Day - Speakers

May 5th - Scientific Day - Speakers


The goal of the INTERNATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE SYMPOSIUM OF THE UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTRÉAL is to get together each year with several leading neuroscientists from around the world to exchange and share their knowledge to advance science on the functioning of the central nervous system under both normal and pathological conditions.


CHUM - Amphithéâtre Pierre Péladeau

1000 Saint-Denis Montréal, Québec Canada, H2X 0C1

Registration period

February 14, 2022 - 12:00 AM until May 2, 2022 - 3:00 PM

Submission period

February 14, 2022 - 12:00 AM until April 25, 2022 - 11:30 PM

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