June 3-4, 2024

45th International Neuroscience Symposium of the Université de Montreal


Université de Montreal presents the 45th International Neuroscience Symposium in collaboration with:

  • the Power Corporation Chair of Canada,
  • the Department of Electrical Engineering of Polytechnique Montréal,
  • the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation of Greater Montreal (CRIR),
  • the Institut de réadaptation en déficience physique de Montréal (IURDPM),
  • the Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche sur le cerveau et l'apprentissage (CIRCA),
  • TransMedTech Institute,
  • IVADO,
  • the vice-dean of research and development, faculty of medicine,
  • Tucker-Davis Technologies.

This major neuroscience event will take place in Montreal, where up to 200 researchers, graduate students and practitioners in the fields of neuroscience and neuro-AI will come together to share the results of their research on the theme of

Neuroprosthetics : interfacing with the nervous system.

Two full days of events, conferences and discussions on research and knowledge.


Université de Montréal, Jean-Coutu Pavilion, room S1-151

2940 Chemin de Polytechnique Montréal, QC Canada, H3T 1J4

Registration period

January 24, 2024 - 00:00 until May 24, 2024 - 23:30

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact stephanie.valois.1@umontreal.ca .

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