
  1. A statement of the proposed format: either (A) a 20-minute presentation or (B) a poster (for display in interactive poster exhibit)
  2. A 250 word abstract describing the focus, scope, and methods for the presentation or poster and clearly stating how it speaks to one or more of the conference themes.
  3. A statement of any special technology or other logistics either required or preferred to support the presentation. All breakout rooms will be equipped with digital monitors and standard dongles, but presenters will normally be expected to bring their own laptops. Posters should be no more than 36”x48”, laminated, and able to be affixed to a cork or fabric display board.
  4. A brief biography (100 words) attesting to the expertise and relevant credentials and affiliations for all proposed presenters.
  5. Current e-mail and telephone contact information.
  6. If you are collaborating with others to propose a panel, please follow the above requirements for each participant and presentation and add a 100-word abstract for the panel, including all proposers names and presentation titles. Please state whether one of the presenters will serve as moderator or you request to be assigned a moderator.