N2 2024
Beyond the Individual
N2 is an international, interdisciplinary conference fostering creative collaboration for intentionally and ethically steering the future evolution of global consciousness. “N2” signals the exponential pace of the evolution of the noosphere and the reality that the next century will far exceed the last in rapid and radical change to the global mind. “N2” also suggests how the noosphere amplifies our access to human understanding - beyond the individual “n of 1.”
In an era of unprecedented global challenges and rapid technological advancement, understanding and guiding the evolution of the noosphere - our collective consciousness - has never been more crucial.
The N2 Conference aims to address critical questions about our shared future, fostering innovative solutions and collaborative thinking, particularly from the perspective of the Global South.

Sustainable Development
We are striving to organize a conference that promotes sustainable development. We proudly announce that the conference venue has been designed with the highest sustainability standards. From the initial conceptual design to driving change in the region, UM6P is a major player in Africa's sustainability efforts. The campus inspired the Benguerir Green City concept and sustainable farms, and it adheres to The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS®) to achieve its sustainability goals. For more information, please visit https://sd.um6p.ma/nos_engagements
Featured Invited Speakers
Frederic Baitinger
Associate Researcher and Chair of Philosophy in the Hospital GHU Paris Psychiatry and Neuroscience
Shima Beigi
CEO and Founder of Triple AI Therapeutics for Mindful Smart Cities and a senior scientist at Human Energy
Amine Belemlih
Associate Professor at UM6P and Director of the LTA Center of Excellence (Leading Transformations in Africa)
Johan Bollen
Professor of Informatics and Cognitive Science and Chair of the Informatic Department at Indiana University, Director of the Center for Biomedical and Social Complexity
Nawal Chraibi
Managing Director of MAScIR Foundation, Executive Director of Institute for Advanced Studies (UM6P)
Boris Cyrulnik
Seren Dalkiran
Award-Winning Innovator & Researcher on New Leadership Paradigms, Founder Synergized Earth Network (SEN) & Millennial Leadership Lab (MLL)
Terry Deacon
Professor of Anthropology at University of California, Berkeley, Member of Human Energy Advisory Board and Chair of Science Steering committee
Isabelle Delannoy
Agricultural Engineer, Co-founder of L’entreprise symbiotique, Professor of Regenerative Economics at CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers)
Ilia Delio
Theologian, Villanova University
Souleymane Bachir Diagne
Professor of French and Philosophy at Columbia University, Member of the Royal Academy of Morocco.
Abre Fournier
Researcher, Consultant, and Facilitator for Integrated Sciences of Transformation in Contemporary Cognitive Sciences and Asian Philosophical Traditions
Dee Frewert
Senior Director in Oracle’s Supply Chain Management (SCM) Center of Excellence | Leader, Mentor and Coach in Non-Profit Community Organizations
Bruno Gérard
Professor and Agrobiosciences lead at the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
Sheila Hassell Hughes
Professor of English and former Dean of Liberal Arts at Saint Mary’s College of California
Francis Heylighen
Director of Center Leo Apostel at Free University of Brussels, Human Energy Science Steering Committee
Michael Jacob
Assistant Professor at UCSF, Psychiatrist at the SFVA Medical Center, and Researcher at Human Energy
Michael Jacob, MD, PhD, is a neurobiologist and psychiatrist whose work weaves interdisciplinary threads to understand how experience comes to life in biology, the mind, and the noosphere. He is an Assistant Professor at UCSF, Director of the Psychosis and Metabolic Mental Health Clinics at the San Francisco VA Medical Center, and researcher with Human Energy. His work employs theoretical, computational, and experimental approaches, including neurophysiology and the neuroimaging of brain metabolism. He leads an Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Research Group to foster collaborative studies of the brain and society, drawing from the humanities, semiotic, and dynamical systems theories. Michael is particularly interested in experiential meaning-making and in moving from computational frameworks of the brain and noosphere, to the living heart of biological systems. As both a scientist and a clinician, he guides individuals to find their calling in life and the noosphere, an approach that relies as much on narrativity, music, and poetry, as it does on the science of life.
Marouane Jaouat
Postdoctoral Researcher, Chair of Transitions, Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS) - UM6P.
Raphael Liogier
Institut d'Études Politiques d'Aix-en-Provence
Sociologist and Philosopher
Lorenzon Marsili
Italian philosopher, political activist, and social entrepreneur
Youssef Moulane
Institute of Applied Physics (IAP) at UM6P
Dr. Youssef Moulane is a Research Scientist in Astrophysics at the Institute of Applied Physics (IAP) at UM6P. He previously worked as a Postdoc at Auburn University in the United States. His research focuses on the study of the physical and chemical properties of small bodies of the solar system, including comets and asteroids. He holds a Ph.D. in Astronomy and Space Science from Cadi Ayyad University in Morocco and the University of Liège in Belgium in 2021. He has previously worked as a visiting researcher at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Chile between 2019-2021. In addition to his academic work, he is also interested in outreach and educational activities in the field of astronomy for the public and general audience.
Giuseppe Orlando
Resident, IAS UM6p, Department of Economics and Finance (DEF), Department of Mathematics (DM) of the University of Bari (Italy)
Michael Pirson
Professor of Global Sustainability & Social Entrepreneurship at Fordham University, Consultant to Human Energy
Parham Pourdavood
Research Assistant at University of California, San Francisco, Researcher and Data scientist at Human Energy
Montassir Sakhi
Anthropologist, Resident at the Institute for Advanced Studies (UM6P), Associate researcher at KU Leuven (Belgium)
Olivier Servais
Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain)
Boris Shoshitaishvili
USC-Berggruen Fellow with a background in evolutionary biology, comparative literature, and classical studies
Gregory Stock
CEO of Socratic Sciences, Author of Metaman, and Consultant to Human Energy
Sadie Stock
Computational Neuroscience and Business, Student at University of Southern California, Chair of Human Energy Youth Advisory Board
Brian Swimme
Professor of Evolutionary Cosmology California Institute of Integral Studies, Member of Human Energy Advisory Board and Chair of Dissemination Steering committee
Saad Tazi
More information coming soon
Tomás Veloz
Professor at Universidad Tecnologica Metropolitana (Chile) & Director at Foundation for Interdisciplinary Development of Science, Technology and the Arts (Chile) & Researcher at Centre Leo Apostel at Free University of Brussels (Belgium)
Tomas Veloz has a PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies and an MSc in computer sciences, with majors in mathematics and physics. His research focuses on interdisciplinary mathematical modeling. His main research areas are Chemical Organization theory, where he has proven mathematical results such as the decomposition theorem and the existence of quantum-like organizational structures, and quantum cognition, where he has developed methods to represent collections of concepts in a Hilbert Space, and has shown that various cognitive and language phenomena exhibit quantum structures.
Additionally, Tomas Veloz is the founder and director of the Foundation for Interdisciplinary Development of Science, Technology and Arts (www.dicta.cl), a Chilean foundation which collaborates with CLEA and several other institutions worldwide to generate and disseminate integrated knowledge, and to develop projects with social impact.
Clément Vidal
Author and Philosopher, Free University of Brussels and Human Energy Researcher
Natasha Vita-More
Geneva College of Longevity Science
Conference Co-Chairs
Sheila Hassell Hughes
Professor of English and former Dean of Liberal Arts at Saint Mary’s College of California
Raphael Liogier
Scientific Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies and holder of the Transitions Chair at UM6P (Morocco)
- Science & Technology of the Noosphere
- Philosophy & Ethics of/for the Noosphere
- Theology & Spiritual Engagement of/with the Noosphere
- Dissemination, Representation, and Creative Expression of the Noosphere
- Education about/for the Noosphere
- Global Affairs
How to Engage
- Visit our website to learn more
- Register to attend
- Propose a presentation or session via our Call for Proposals
- Contact us for more information
Conference Organisers
To learn more about UM6P's Ben Guerir campus, visit the website here.
Lieu de l'événement
University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Ben Guerir, Morocco
Période d'inscription
1 août 2024 - 00:00 jusqu'au 18 décembre 2024 - 18:00
Période de soumission
1 août 2024 - 00:00 jusqu'au 31 octobre 2024 - 23:59
Pour toute question sur l'événement, veuillez contacter: N2conference@humanenergy.io .