March 21-23, 2025

Science Atlantic Environment Conference (SAEC) 2025

We acknowledge that Mount Allison University is located within the territory of Mi’kma’ki, the unceded, ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq. Our relationship and our privilege to live on this territory was agreed upon in the Peace and Friendship Treaties of 1752. Because of this treaty relationship it is to be acknowledged that we are all Treaty people and have a responsibility to respect this territory.


The 2025 Science Atlantic Environment Conference (SAEC) is a great venue to showcase your environmental-themed research (e.g. social science/policy, environmental science/ecology, or other knowledge systems) gain insights into other's work, and engage with experts in the Atlantic provinces. All students (BA, BSc, BASc, and graduate) and faculty interested in environmental research are welcome. Students are encouraged to present their research and share their work with peers in a friendly, supportive atmosphere. SAEC offers a unique opportunity to interact, network, and contribute to the vibrant environmental research community in Atlantic Canada.

Mount Allison University's Department of Geography and Environment ( is excited to host SAEC 2025. The last time we hosted was 2018!

SAEC 2025 will occur between Fri March 21 (evening) and Sun March 23 (afternoon) at Mount Allison University in Sackville, NB.

Check-in, lite snacks, and an informal meet and greet will occur Fri 6-9 PM at The Pond in the Wallace McCain Student Centre (

Oral presentations will be held in the Sir James Dunn Building (Wu Centre). Poster presentations will be held in the mezzanine at the Jennings Dinning Hall. The Saturday night banquet is in the Wallace McCain Student Centre (Tweedie Hall).

A campus map ( and schedule can both be found in the Important Documents section below. The schedule can also be viewed on the schedule page. Campus parking is free and there are several lots to choose from (e.g. Dunn lot, Hillcrest lot, and King St. lot).

Registration is $120 for students (undergraduate and graduate) and $150 for faculty members. Registration is open until March 1 for presenters and March 12 for non-presenters.

We recommend the following venues:

Coastal Inn Sackville ( at $114/night (online only discount code is "gp192392" or phone only discount code is "Science Atlantic Mt A"). Contact at 506-536-0000 or toll free at 1-888-704-7444. Limited rooms available.

Marshlands Inn Sackville ( at $109/night for 1 queen bed (phone only discount code is "Mt A rate"). Contact at 506-536-0170 or toll free at 1-800-561-1266. Limited rooms available.

Travelodge in Amherst* ( at $159 or $169/night (single/double queen beds). Please call 902-667-3331, select option #2 to speak with front desk, and then reference the block of rooms for "Mount Allison University". *Amherst is ~15 min drive from campus. Limited rooms available.

Submission is open until March 1, 2025. Please register when you submit your abstract. Submission requirements are listed on the Submission Page. Abstracts, posters, and presentations will be accepted in French or English.


Keynote Speaker

  • Dr. Zoe Panchen

    Dr. Zoe Panchen

    Assistant Professor of Biology at Acadia University

    I am a plant ecologist interested in how plants respond to environmental change. My main focus is understanding how climate change impacts plant phenology, reproductive success and community composition. Our lab conducts research in the Canadian High-Arctic which is experiencing some of the most dramatic changes in climate. With the increase in frequency and severity of climate extremes, we are particularly interested in studying the effects of climate extremes on plants.

    The focus of my SAEC keynote is: The environment of the Canadian Arctic and the impacts of climate change

Panel Event: entering the workforce

Panelists will share their experiences and advice on transitioning from university to a career (or further education) in the environmental sector. There will be a series of structured questions asked by the host followed by questions from the audience. Panelists were chosen to represent a youth perspective on employment opportunities/experiences from various sectors (e.g. NGO, government, university, and industry).

    Black-Capped Chickadee Level Sponsors $1000+

    SAEC gratefully acknowledges our chickadee level sponsors. The black-capped chickadee is New Brunswick's provincial bird.

    • Mount Allison University
    • Science Atlantic
    • Anonymous Donor

    Purple Violet Level Sponsors $500-1000

    SAEC thanks our violet level sponsor. The purple violet is New Brunswick's provincial flower.

    • Canadian Wildlife Service (ECCC)
    • Anonymous Donor

    Balsam Fir Level Sponsor $<500

    SAEC recognizes our fir level sponsors. The balsam fir is New Brunswick's provincial tree.

    • Municipality of Tantramar
    • Department of Geography and Environment
    • Anonymous Donor


    Mount Allison University

    62a York Street Sackville, NB Canada, E4L 1H3

    Registration period

    January 29, 2025 - 3:00 PM until March 12, 2025 - 5:00 PM

    Submission period

    January 24, 2025 - 3:00 PM until March 1, 2025 - 5:59 PM

    Contact us

    If you have any questions, please contact .

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