May 24-29, 2023

Sudbury 2023 GAC-MAC-SGA

Discovering Ancient to Modern Earth

The Joint Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of Canada, Mineralogical Association of Canada, and Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits was held in Sudbury, Ontario, 24-27 May 2023, with pre- and post-meeting field trips, workshops, and short courses.

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Meeting Theme and Format

The theme of the meeting was Discovering Ancient to Modern Earth, reflecting the location of Sudbury at the intersection of the Archean Superior Province, Proterozoic Southern and Grenville Provinces, and Paleozoic-Quaternary cover sequences. The conference included a diverse program of Symposia, Special Sessions, General Sessions, Field trips, Workshops, and Short Courses covering the complete spectrum of geoscience disciplines. It was delivered in hybrid format with both on-site and virtual components. Abstracts, talks, and posters were given in English or French.

Partnering Organizations

  • Geological Association of Canada (GAC)
  • Mineralogical Association of Canada (MAC)
  • Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA)

Circulars and Flyers

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  • HES

Local Organizing Committee

Chair: Michael Lesher
Vice-Chair and AV Coordinator: Douglas Tinkham
Vice-Chair and Webmaster: Stéphane Perrouty

Event Manager: Cathryn Nadjiwon

Field Trips: Bruno Lafrance, Evan Hastie, Riley Mulligan
Exhibits and Posters: Noëlle Shriver
Student Program: Tobias Roth
Guest Program: Olga Brinkman

GAC Liaisons: Deanne van Rooyen, Alwynne Beaudoin, Karen Dawes
MAC Liaisons: Johanne Caron, Dan Marshall, Andrew Conley
SGA Liaisons: Georges Beaudoin, Garth Graham
HES Liaisons: Pedro Jugo, Lynn Bulloch, Roxane Mehes

LU Facilities: Julie Ceming, Bill Sanders
LU Media Services: Marie-Lynne Michaud, Lynn Laird, JoAnn Wohlberg
LU IT Services: Luc Roy, Dan Robidoux

Local Organizing Committee


Hybrid event

Laurentian University

935 Ramsey Lake Road Greater Sudbury, ON Canada, P3E 2C6

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