1) Oral Presentations (Closed)


  • June 21, 2024 at 23:59 EAT


  • Mid- to senior-level faculty


  • Brief oral presentations must align with the overall conference theme as well as one of the AGMHI’s four pillars: 1) research; 2) training & education; 3) clinical care delivery; 4) advocacy & policy
  • One presenter per submission
  • Sessions must include a 15-minute presentation followed by 5 minutes for audience Q&A

Submission Requirements:

  • Session title
  • Presenter name
  • Session abstract (250 words max)

2) Panel Discussion (Closed)


  • June 21, 2024 at 23:59 EAT


  • Mid- to senior-level faculty


  • Panels must be aligned with the conference theme and should encourage audience participation through discussion and Q&A
  • Must include 3-4 speakers from different regions in Africa or the diaspora

Submission Requirements:

  • Panel title
  • Presenter names
  • Panel abstract (250 words max) with proposed agenda, including at least 20 minutes for audience Q&A

3) Emerging Researcher Travel Grant (Closed)


  • July 15, 2024 at 23:59 EAT


  • Early career researchers <5 years out of any level of training


  • Narrated presentations showcasing original research
  • Must be recorded in PowerPoint using mostly visuals and a maximum of 10 slides (instructions available here)
  • One presenter per submission
  • Presenter must be based in Africa
  • Selected presenters will present live at the conference including ~5 minutes for audience Q&A

Submission Requirements:

  • Presentation title
  • Presenter name
  • Presentation abstract (250 words max)
  • Narrated recording of presentation in PowerPoint (10 minutes max)

4) Poster Presentation (Closed)


  • August 30, 2024 at 23:59 EAT


  • All levels


  • Posters presentations should present original mental health research or case findings
  • One presenter per poster and the presenter must be an investigator on the study

Submission Requirements:

  • Poster title
  • Presenter and co-author names
  • Poster abstract (250 words max)
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