Welcome to BAAS 2025!
The Atlantic Biology and Applied Aquatic Science joint conference will be hosted by Acadia University in Wolfville, NS on March 7, 8, and 9 2025.
The Science Biology and Applied Aquatic Science (BAAS) Conference is an annual event that brings together students from across Atlantic Canada to share their research, and network with other students and faculty. We are very excited to welcome everyone to our beautiful town!
Several awards will be given out at the conference, including Biology awards and AAS awards.
See you in Wolfville,
The Organizing Committee
Important Dates
Abstract Submissions & Registration Opens: February 7, 2025
Abstracts due: February 28. 2025
Registration closes: February 28, 2025
Applied Aquatic Sciences (AAS) Presentations:
Both undergraduate and graduate students can present talks.
Talks are limited by institution only if all slots are filled.
Both undergraduate and graduate students can present posters.
Biology Presentations:
ONLY undergraduate students can present talks.
There is a limit of two talks per institution as space is limited.
Institutions must decide which student presentations will be judged.
ONLY undergraduate students can present posters.
There is no limit to the number of posters that can be presented per institution.
There is a limit of two posters per institution that will be judged.
Institutions must decide which student posters will be judged.
Information for Presenters
Talks will be 12 minutes + 3 minutes for questions
Posters should be no larger than 91.4cm x 121.9cm (36”x 48”). Both landscape and portrait orientations are suitable.
For general tips on presenting: https://scienceatlantic.ca/resources/conference-presentation-tips/
Website: https://slumberinn.ca/
Distance to Campus: ~10min drive
$110 + 15% tax: 1 queen bed (some cots available upon request when booking)
$110 + 15% tax: 2 twin beds (some cots available upon request when booking)
Includes hot breakfast
Check in: 4 pm
Check out: 11 am
To Book: Call (902) 681-5000 and let them know you attending the Science Atlantic conference.
Rate available until February 14, 2025.

Other Accommodations
Gingerbread House Inn
Website: https://gingerbreadhouse.ca/
Distance to Campus: ~6min walk
Tattingstone Inn
Website: https://www.tattingstoneinn.com/
Distance to Campus: ~8min walk
Hotel Wolfville
Website: https://www.hotelwolfville.com
Distance to Campus: ~11min walk
MICRO Boutique Wolfville
Website: https://www.microboutique.com/wolfville-hotel-booking/
Distance to Campus: ~16min walk
Blomidon Inn
Website: https://www.blomidon.ns.ca/
Distance to Campus: ~4min drive
Old Orchard Inn
Website: https://oldorchardinn.com/
Distance to Campus: ~7min drive
Greensboro Inn
Website: https://www.greensboromotelns.com/
Distance to Campus: ~14min drive
Super 8 Hotel
Website: https://www.wyndhamhotels.com/en-ca/super-8/windsor-nova-scotia/super-8-windsor-ns/overview
Distance to Campus: ~24min drive
Connect to the Wi-fi
If you want to connect to Wi-fi while on campus you can access "Acadia-guest" for 120 minutes at a time after inputting your email.
For longer usage we suggest using "eduroam". If you have already set up with eduroam then you should connect automatically. If not, you may need to download the eurodam installer for your home institution and enter your institutional credentials. You can download the eurodam installer here (https://cat.eduroam.org/)
More information about eduroam (https://eduroam.org/about/connect-yourself/)
Acadia uses the Hotspot parking app for parking on campus. Virtual permits are $6.00 per day. The Athletics Complex or Festival Theatre often has the most available parking spots closest to the Beveridge Arts Centre. A limited number of free parking spaces are available at the Crowell Tower free parking lot. More information can be found here (https://www2.acadiau.ca/safety-security/parking.html)
The Town of Wolfville also has street parking and a number of 3-hour and all-day parking lots available throughout town. A map of all municipal parking zones can be found here (https://wolfville.ca/streets-sidewalks-and-parking)
Campus Map
To the right is a map of campus. Most events will take place in Beveridge Arts Centre in rooms 241 and 244 (Building 10), as well as Fountain Commons for meals (Building 26)

Participating schools
Each participating school has two Science Atlantic representatives, one for the Biology conference and one for the AAS conference. They can answer your questions.
Acadia University - Russell Easy (Conference Co-Chair)
Cape Breton University - Alana Pindar
Crandall University - Zhan Yang
Dalhousie University Agricultural Campus - Yunfei Jiang
Dalhousie University Medicine - Lois Murray
Dalhousie University Biology - Nicanor Gonzalez-Morales
Memorial University - Craig Purchase
Mount Allison University - James Baxter-Gilbert
Mount Sanit Vincent University - Lori Borgal
Saint Francis Xavier University - Jesse McNichol
Saint Mary’s University - David Chiasson
Université de Moncton - Gilles Miron
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton - Bryan Crawford
University of New Brunswick, Saint John - Kim Davies
University of Prince Edward Island - Stevan Springer (Biology Chair)
Université Sainte-Anne - Shawn Craik
Applied Aquatic Sciences
Acadia University - Trevor Avery (Conference Co-Chair)
Cape Breton University - Rod Beresford
Dalhousie University - Carly Buchwald
Dalhousie University Agricultural Campus - Stefanie Colombo
Huntsman Marine Science Centre - Benjamin deJourdan
Memorial University - Javier Santander
Mount Allison University - Andrea Morash
NSCC - Giulia Pereia
Université de Moncton - Simon Lamarre
Université Sainte-Anne - Jordan Park
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton - Bryan Crawford
University of New Brunswick, Saint John - Ben Speers-Roesch
Saint Francis Xavier University - Tammy Rodela (AAS Co-Chair)
Saint Mary’s University - Anne Dalziel (AAS Co-Chair)
Conference Organizers
Dr. Trevor Avery, AAS
Dr. Russell Easy, Biology
April Sharpe, Conference Organizer
We acknowledge that Acadia University is located in Mi'kma'ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaw nation.
Acadia University: Beveridge Arts Centre
10 Highland Avenue Wolfville, NS Canada, B4P 2R6Registration period
February 7, 2025 - 08:38 until February 28, 2025 - 17:00
Submission period
February 7, 2025 - 08:38 until February 28, 2025 - 17:00
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact 161028s@acadiau.ca .