X-ray MicroCT Data Processing: BMIT Online Tutorials
We are inviting you to a workshop about X-ray microCT data processing. CLS scientists and invited speakers have prepared seven lectures about data reconstruction, segmentation, visualization, and quantitative analysis. Various software tools and workflows will be discussed and interesting real-life cases will be used for demonstration.
We hope that this workshop will help researchers to navigate through the reconstruction process and inspire to create their own data analysis recipes.
Meet the Speakers
Sergey Gasilov
BMIT, Canadian Light Source
Sergey Gasilov is senior scientist at Bio-Life department specializing in development of instruments and techniques for hard X-ray imaging. He is responsible for BMIT beamlines of CLS.
Sergey has completed his MSc work at Moscow Engineering Physics Institute and during PhD he worked in Russia, Italy, and Japan on spectroscopic diagnostics and imaging applications of table-top laser-plasma driven radiation sources. After that and prior to becoming a professional beamline scientist, Sergey had been working on development of phase-contrast techniques for biomedical imaging at Ludwig Maximilian University and European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. The expertise acquired over the years enables Sergey to find optimal experimental conditions for non-destructive imaging of various samples with hard X-rays.
Philipp Lösel
Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing, University of Heidelberg
Philipp Lösel is a research associate at the Engineering Mathematics and Computing Lab (EMCL) at the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) at Heidelberg University and the developer of the online segmentation platform Biomedisa (https://biomedisa.org).
Philipp studied Mathematics and Political Science at Heidelberg University. Before starting his PhD, he was a lecturer in Mathematics for Molecular Biotechnology. During his PhD, he focused on developing methods to accelerate and improve the tedious manual segmentation often used for large and complex tomographic image data. His results led to the development of the Biomedisa segmentation tool. Biomedisa enables semi-automated and automated segmentation methods based on Deep Learning. As a postdoc, Philipp is involved in several interdisciplinary and international research projects in medicine and biology.Thomas van de Kamp
Laboratory for Applications of Synchrotron Radiation, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Toby Bond
Industrial Science, Canadian Light Source
In his role as an Industrial Scientist, Toby Bond works with academic and industrial clients to solve applied research problems using the CLS. He primarily conducts high-resolution microscopic scale x-ray imaging work, but he also has vast experience with energy and advanced materials. Toby’s broad range of expertise heightens collaboration between members of the Industry Services group and makes strong connections among multiple research sectors.
An analytical chemist by training, Toby focused on battery materials characterization for his Master’s of Analytical and Materials Chemistry at Dalhousie University. He is currently working towards his PhD through Dalhousie University, with a concentration on the application of synchrotron science to the improvement of Li ion batteries. Developing relationships with industrial clients and seeing the tangible effects of research motivate Toby’s drive for the continued application of synchrotron science.
After the Covid-19 pandemic, Toby is looking forward to participating in the return of live music as he is an avid musician, composer, and listener. In the meantime, he is kept busy with his two dogs and PhD research.
Jarvis A. Stobbs
Plant Imaging Lead and Associate Scientist, Canadian Light Source
After completing a diploma in chemical technology at the SIAST — Kelsey campus in 2011, he worked as a metallurgical technician for a potash company for several years before starting at the Canadian Light Source (CLS) in 2014. Jarvis is group lead of the strategic group Plant Imaging within CLS where he and his team consult, plan, and execute experiments of external users to the facility. The group together specialise in applying a wide range of advanced synchrotron analysis techniques to a wide range of agricultural-based research including food, plant and soil sciences. Much of the agricultural work they conduct utilises techniques such as micro computed tomography on various agricultural systems.
Alireza Rohani
Auditory Biophysics Laboratory, University of Western Ontario
Arash Panahifar
Canadian Light Source
Online event
Registration period
August 8, 2022 - 12:00 AM until September 30, 2022 - 11:30 PM
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact sergey.gasilov@lightsource.ca .