10th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Canada
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Registration & abstract submission opens: February 1, 2025
Deadline for abstract submission: April 1, 2025.
10th annual meeting of the Biophysical Society of Canada (BSC)
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
May 20-23
The Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Canada (BSC) is an essential vehicle for the dissemination of current research in the field of biophysics. It highlights recent contributions of biophysical approaches to molecular and cellular biology, biotechnologies, medicine, drug discovery, biosensor technology and materials science. Each year, this meeting attracts over 200 trainees and researchers from across Canada, fostering networking and collaborations by allowing in person discussions between often geographically distant research groups.
This coming year (2025) will mark the 10th anniversary of the Annual Meeting of the BSC, a cause for celebration and reflection on the future of the field. Scientific sessions have been planned to include a number of topics, from single molecule to tissue biophysics, and to cover theoretical, experimental and computational approaches. For the first time this year, the meeting will include a workshop on biophysics teaching and communication.
The 2025 Annual Meeting of the BSC will take place at McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario), on a green walkable campus adjacent to a river-mouth wetland at the western end of Lake Ontario. Less than 1 hr from Toronto international airport, Hamilton offers a variety of nature walks featuring waterfalls. It is also adjacent to the Niagara region, allowing day trips to Niagara Falls, Niagara-on-the-Lake, the Shaw Festival, and a great many wineries.
BSC 2025 will be an in-person, 4-day single-track meeting designed to maximize interactions between participants and foster a sense of community. The meeting will start with a trainee symposium on May 20th, both organized and aimed at trainees, followed by an opening reception. The next 3 days, May 21-23, will be a mix of invited and contributed lectures, poster sessions and exhibits by companies.
For additional information about BSC 2025 Annual Meeting, please email: bsc2025@mcmaster.ca.
Award Lectures
The 10th Annual Meeting of the BSC will host award lectures by the 2025 BSC Fellow giving the National Lecture and the 2025 Early Career Award recipient.
BSC Fellow: Peter Tieleman
University of Calgary
Early Career Investigator Award recipient: Isaac Li
University of British Columbia
Keynote Speakers
Keynote speakers renowned for their excellence in biophysics research and education will share their insights with BSC2025 participants.
Keynote Speaker: Lisa Manning
Syracuse University
Keynote Speaker: Philip Nelson
University of Pennsylvania
Keynote Speaker: Michelle Peckham
University of Leeds
Keynote Speaker: Stas Shvartsman
Princeton University
Local Organizing Committee
Sara Andres (Dept. of Biochemistry & Biomedical Sciences)
Cécile Fradin (Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Organizing Committee chair)
Giuseppe Melacini (Dept. of Chemistry & Chemical Biology)
Maikel Rheinstädter (Dept. of Physics & Astronomy)
Muhammed Simsek (Dept. of Biology)
Scientific committee
Russell Bishop (McMaster University)
Joao Bronze de Firmino (McMaster University)
Gonca Erdemci-Tandogan (Western University)
Sid Goyal (University of Toronto)
Paul Higgs (McMaster University)
Rui Huang (Guelph University)
Divya Kaur Matta (Brock University)
Scott Prosser (University of Toronto Mississauga)
Miranda Schmidt (McMaster University)
Trainee organizing committee
Sara Evans (Dalhousie University, BSC Trainee Executive president)
Benjamin Baylis (University of Guelph, BSC Trainee Executive vice-president)
Local trainee liaison committee
Marzuk Gazi (Physics & Astronomy)
Jinfeng Huang (Chemistry & Chemical Biology)
Hannah Krivic (Physics & Astronomy)
Karla Martinez Pomier (Chemistry & Chemical Biology)
Alex Verbeem (Physics & Astronomy)
McMaster University, ON, Canada
1280 Main Street West Hamilton, ON Canada, L8S 4L8Registration period
February 1, 2025 - 08:00 until May 19, 2025 - 23:59
Submission period
February 1, 2025 - 08:00 until April 1, 2025 - 23:59
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact bsc2025@mcmaster.ca .