CCIL | CCDI 2024
The CCIL Conference Organizing Committee welcomes proposals in relation to specific fields of international law, including (but not limited to) health, human rights, trade and investment, environment, climate justice, sustainable development, indigenous rights, security, humanitarian law, criminal justice, accountability and dispute resolution.
International Law: Enforcement and Entanglements
This year’s theme sheds light on the enforcement in international law and the forces that can subvert it. From the rise of AI to the rise of populism; from the use of force to market forces to the forces of climate change; from the adoption of international instruments to its reception in domestic courts, the enforcement of international law must confront the challenges of an ever-changing world. In moving through these fluctuations, can international law retain its sway?
- Complete the application by April 12, 2024, 11:30pm ET.
- Successful applicants will be notified in late spring.
Each year, we receive many more proposals than could be presented over the two days of the conference. The committee will use the following criteria when reviewing proposals:
- Proposals that showcase a broad spectrum of perspectives, including but not limited to gender, ethnicity, and expertise.
- Consistency with theme: Priority will be given to those proposals that are consistent with and directly address the conference theme.
- Originality of topic or approach: Does the proposal consider the theme from a novel perspective?
- Extra consideration will be given to proposals which aim to engage the live audience in original ways.
- Speaker notability, diversity and confirmation status: Are the session speakers identified? Are they noted or original voices in their field? Do they represent a suitable cross-section of international legal professionals or academics? Are they confirmed and committed to participating, subject to precise scheduling?
- Overall diversity of session topics: With the intent of ensuring that the Conference addresses the professional and academic interests and needs of as broad a range of international lawyers as possible, attention will be paid to ensuring overall diversity of topics discussed at the Conference.
- Extra consideration will be given to proposals that satisfy the criteria for eligibility for EDI accreditation by the Law Society of Ontario (LSO) and convey the willingness of the panel to work with the LSO to get the panel accredited. Equal consideration will be given to proposals that satisfy the criteria for accreditation in other provinces, provided that the proposal clearly lays out the basis for that accreditation and stipulates that the necessary administrative steps will be undertaken by the panel.
NOTE: all presentations must be given in person.
For additional information regarding panel or session topics, please contact the conference co-chairs (Julia Deutsch and Maria Panezi) at ccil-ccdi@intertaskconferences.com
For technical assistance with submitting your proposal, please contact the CCIL Annual Conference Coordinator, Leeanne Akehurst lakehurst@intertaskconferences.com
If your proposal is selected, the following will be required in due course:
- A short biography for each presenter (200-300 words)
- Registration of each presenter as one of the following:
- Delegate: Includes access to all conference programming as well as CCIL membership for 2024-2025
- Student Delegate: Same as Delegate category, but offered to individuals registered for full-time study at an educational institution
If you are selected to present in a room which has simultaneous English/French interpretation, you will be required to submit your materials (i.e. PowerPoint presentations, speaking notes, drafts) ten days in advance in order to allow the interpreters time to prepare.
Ottawa, Canada
111 Sussex Drive Ottawa, ON Canada, K1N 1J1Submission period
January 8, 2024 - 08:00 until April 16, 2024 - 23:59
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact ccil-ccdi@intertaskconferences.com .