June 18-20, 2024

XRD & Scattering School 2024 - Canadian Light Source


The Canadian Light Source will host its third in-person X-Ray Diffraction and Scattering School for materials science this summer, from June 18-20, 2024.

The school will focus in the techniques more popular among our Brockhouse beamline users: X-Ray Diffraction / Rietveld Refinement, Pair Distribution Function and Small Angle X-Ray Scattering. We will have both lectures and hands on data analysis sessions. Please, bring a laptop for the data analysis sessions.

We will also include a visit to the Canadian Light Source and XRD demonstrations at the Saskatchewan Structural Sciences Centre (SSSC) at USASK.

During the last afternoon, we will present an overview of advanced hard x-ray characterization techniques also available and their applications.

We look to equip our present and future users with the knowledge and tools that they will use during their research. This school is primarily aimed at students and early career researchers from academia and industry, with an interest in XRD, SAXS, and PDF.

Important dates:

Submit your application from March 20 to April 30. Registrations are closed now.

Successful applicants will be contacted from May 1st on, to proceed to pay the school fees.

School Fees:

Academic participants: 300 CAD
Industry participants: 600 CAD

The students can apply for the Larry Calvert Fund to offset travel expenses: https://xtallography.ca/index.php/student-funding/63-2/

Please, bring your laptops for the hands-on data analysis sessions, with these programs installed:

You can download the tutorials from this cloud: XRD School 2024


  • Robert Von Dreele

    Robert Von Dreele

    Bob has influenced generations of XRD enthusiasts around the world with his program GSAS II, a free, friendly, and well documented software to perform a myriad of XRD data reduction and analysis including Rietveld refinement. Throughout his prolific career, Bob worked at J.S. Anderson’s lab at Oxford, Arizona State University, the Los Alamos LANSCE and Argonne IPNS spallation neutron sources, and recently retired as a Senior Physicist at Argonne National Laboratory. He was President of the American Crystallographic Association and Recipient of the ACA Trueblood Award as well as the ICDD Barrett and Hanawalt Awards; he is a Fellow of both the Mineralogical Society of America and the ACA.

  • Joel Reid

    Joel Reid

    Industrial Scientist at the Canadian Light Source

    Joel Reid is a Senior Industrial Scientist at the CLS, specializing in powder diffraction for the Industry Services group. Prior to joining the CLS in 2011, Joel held a position as Senior Scientific Editor at the International Centre for Diffraction Data (Newtown Square, PA), and as a research scientist working on biomaterials for bone replacement at Millenium Biologix (Kingston, ON). An engineering physicist by training, he completed his undergraduate and PhD in engineering physics at Queen’s University in Kingston. His work with clients and collaborators often involves identification and quantification of complex, multiphase mixtures and the solving of new structures with powder diffraction.

  • Graham King

    Graham King

    Scientist at the Brockhouse high energy wiggler beamline at the Canadian Light Source

    Graham received his B.S. in Chemistry from SUNY Buffalo and his Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry from The Ohio State University working with Patrick Woodward. He then did a post-doc at the Lujan Neutron Scattering Center at Los Alamos National Lab followed by several years as a staff scientist. He came to the Canadian Light Source as a Brockhouse Scientist in 2018. His research is focused on advancing structural analysis using advanced powder diffraction methods. This includes Rietveld refinements, ab-initio structural solution of extended and molecular solids, and local structure analysis using the pair distribution function. He is an advocate for probing the structure of a material over several length scales in order to obtain a complete structural understanding.

  • Adam Leontowich

    Adam Leontowich

    Scientist at the Canadian Light Source

    Adam received a B.Sc degree in Chemistry from the University of Saskatchewan in 2008. In the summers, he worked in the labs of Prof. Matthew Paige and Prof. Robert Scott, synthesizing and characterizing nanoparticles and ligands for catalysis. Adam then moved to Hamilton, Ontario to pursue a Ph.D in Chemistry at McMaster University, applying the scanning transmission X-ray microscope (STXM) for a new purpose: patterning and lithography at the sub-50 nm scale. Upon defending his thesis in 2012, he accepted a post-doctorate position in the X-ray Optics for Extreme Conditions group lead by Dr. Sasa Bajt, at DESY, Hamburg, Germany. There he fabricated multilayer structures, including multilayer Laue lenses for hard X-ray microscopes, and reflective coatings for EUV and soft X-rays. In 2013 Adam returned to CLS and has been there ever since. First, he led the design, construction and commissioning of a new cryo-STXM for the SM beamline. Then in 2016 he was convinced by Dr. Ariel Gomez to take the jump into reciprocal space and join the Brockhouse Sector, an empty patch of concrete floor that would soon become three hard X-ray beamlines. Adam continues to develop and deliver the many endstations at BXDS, including the powder diffraction and SAXS/WAXS user programs, and is interested in the fate of nanoparticles in wildlife and the environment.

  • Feizhou He

    Feizhou He

    Materials & Chemical Sciences Manager at the Canadian Light Source

    Feizhou got his B.Eng. degree in Materials Science from Tsinghua University in China, and finished his PhD in Physics at University of Connecticut, USA. He was a frequent user of the NSLS, before joined Canadian Light Source as a staff scientist in 2005. He designed and commissioned the Resonant Elastic and Inelastic X-ray Scattering (REIXS) beamline at the CLS. His research interests include quantum materials, epitaxial thin films, strain engineering in heterostructures.

  • Al Rahemtulla

    Al Rahemtulla

    Associate Scientist at the Canadian Light Source

    Associate Scientist at the Canadian Light Source

    Al received a B.Sc. majoring in Physics at the University of Guelph. He then remained there earning his M.Sc. and Ph.D. His work was primarily based on the interpretation of short-range ordering in amorphous solids from Pair Distribution Function (PDF) data. Al also did experimental commissioning of a rotating Cu-anode lab x-ray diffractometer performing a variety of x-ray diffraction experiments. During his Ph.D. Al also spent time commissioning the Brockhouse High-Energy Wiggler (BXDS-WHE) beamline and as a user. Al joined the Brockhouse team in February 2020 and has helped bring Brockhouse beamlines into the general user phase, designing experiments and developing software to improve functionality at the BXDS-HEW and the Brockhouse Undulator (BXDS-UND) beamlines. He is also currently developing and commissioning high-resolution PDF experiments at Brockhouse.

  • Beatriz Moreno

    Beatriz Moreno

    Senior Scientist at the Canadian Light Source – Brockhouse beamlines’ responsible

    Beatriz got her B.S and Masters degrees in Havana, Cuba. She finished her Ph.D and post-doc in the National Institute for Space Research in Sao Paulo, Brazil. During this time, she was a frequent user of the Brazilian Light Source diffraction beamlines, where she then worked as a staff scientist. In 2012 she started working at the Canadian Light Source, in the Brockhouse project. Her research interests include applying a variety of synchrotron techniques to solve structural problems in thin films, multilayers, quantum dots, magnetic heterostructures, catalysts, among other materials.

  • Narayan Appathurai

    Narayan Appathurai

    Associate Scientist at the Canadian Light Source

    Narayan earned his Ph.D. in Physics from Banaras Hindu University, India, followed by postdoctoral research positions at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics and the Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University. Before joining the Brockhouse group at the Canadian Light Source (CLS), he served as a Staff Scientist at both the Synchrotron Radiation Center (SRC) in Madison and the Advanced Photon Source (APS). With an extensive background in instrumentation, Narayan has played a pivotal role in the design and fabrication of cutting-edge end stations including COLTRIMS, ARPES, and TOF electron spectrometers. His current research endeavors are focused on employing a diverse array of synchrotron techniques to characterize materials such as biominerals and semiconductor nanomaterials, thus unraveling their complex properties and potential applications.

  • Charan Kuppili

    Charan Kuppili

    Associate Scientist at SM beamline at the Canadian Light Source

    Charan has received his B.Tech in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering from National Institute of Technology Warangal, India. He then obtained M.Sc., Materials Science from Universita degli Studi di Torino, Italy and M.Sc., Geomaterials and Geochemistry from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, ̈Munich Germany under the Erasmus mundus framework Master in Material Science Exploring Large scale Facilities. He pursued PhD from University College London, UK on the topic “Ptychotomographic imaging at I13-1, Diamond Light Source”. Charan worked as a post-doctoral research associate at University of Cambridge wherein he worked on imaging magnetic nano-inclusions in geological samples employing Ptycho-Tomography. After his stint at Cambridge, Charan joined Canadian Light Source as an associate scientist at Spectromicroscopy (SM) beamline. His research interests include Ptychography, phase retrieval algorithms, tomography, synthesis of metallic nanomaterials and materials science.

  • Renfei Feng

    Renfei Feng

    Senior Scientist at the Canadian Light Source

    VESPERS Beamline Responsible


The XRD & Scattering summer school will take place at the Canadian Light Source, at the University of Saskatchewan (USASK) campus.

XRD demonstration experiments will occur at the Saskatchewan Structural Sciences Centre - SSSC, at USASK campus.

The Happy Hour will be at Louis', also in the USASK campus.


Program at a glance


Canadian Light Source - CLS

Saskatchewan Structural Sciences Centre - SSSC

Canadian National Committee for Crystallography - CNCC

University of Saskatchewan - USASK

Canadian Foundation for Innovation - CFI

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada - NSERC

  • University of Saskatchewan
  • Saskatchewan Structural Sciences Centre
  • Canadian Light Source
  • Canada Foundation for Innovation
  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
  • Canadian National Committee for Crystallography


Canadian Light Source, University of Saskatchewan Campus

44 Innovation Boulevard Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada, S7N 2V3

Registration period

March 20, 2024 - 00:00 until April 30, 2024 - 23:59

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact beatriz.moreno@lightsource.ca .

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