8th Canadian Neurometabolic Meeting
The Canadian Neurometabolic meeting, a satellite of the Canadian Association for Neuroscience, is a unique event that brings together scientists studying CNS controls of energy balance, neural cell metabolism, the impact of metabolism on behavior, and the interaction between metabolism and brain disorders.
This meeting provides a valuable platform for trainees to share their latest findings and network.
In addition to trainee oral and poster presentations, this 1-day meeting features the speakers below.
Our Keynote and Symposium Speakers
Ivan de Araujo, PhD
Professor of Neuroscience - Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai New York
Dr. Araujo majored in Philosophy at the University of Brasilia, followed by postgraduate work in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Edinburgh. Obtained his Doctorate (DPhil) in Medical Physiology and Imaging at the University of Oxford, under the supervision of Edmund T. Rolls. Performed postdoctoral work in Neurobiology at Duke University Medical Center, where he recorded in awake animals the activity of networks of neurons linked to the digestive tract. From 2007 through 2018, he directed his Neurobiology of Feeding Laboratory at Pierce Labs (Yale University), previous to joining Mount Sinai in August 2018. After describing the taste-independent calorie sensing phenomenon, his main interests revolve around the question of how the body communicates with the central nervous system, and in establishing interfaces for brain stimulation therapies triggered by peripheral signals.
Cynthia Calkin, MD, CCFP, FRCPC
Psychiatrist, Metabolic Psychiatry Medical Director, Mood & Metabolism Program Associate Professor, Departments of Psychiatry & Medical Neuroscience Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University
Dr Calkin divides her time between clinical practice and research. Her interest in the interplay between bipolar disorder and medical co-morbidity stems from her experience in family practice, where she practiced medicine for ten years prior to entering the field of psychiatry. She currently works in the Mood Disorders Program.
Xavier Fioramonti
INRA CR2 Researcher, University of Bordeaux
Le Dr Xavier Fioramonti a obtenu son doctorat en décembre 2005 de l’Université Paul Sabatier de Toulouse en Physiologie et Physiopathologie, mention Neuroscience. Ses travaux de doctorat ont été pionniers dans la caractérisation de neurones sensibles au glucose dans l’hypothalamus. Il a ensuite fait un séjour postdoctoral à l’Université Rutgers (Newark, NJ) où il a étudié comment le cerveau détecte et module les hypoglycémies dans le laboratoire du Pr. Vanessa H. Routh (2006-2010). Il a ensuite été recruté Chargé de Recherche INRAE au Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l’Alimentation de Dijon en 2010 avant d’être recruté par le laboratoire NutriNeuro du Bordeaux Neurocampus en 2016 où il développe des projets de recherche visant à comprendre les effets des sucres sur la neuroinflammation et l’activité de réseaux neuronaux contrôlant des fonctions cérébrales telles que la prise alimentaire ou les émotions. Parallèlement à ces activités de recherche, le Dr Fioramonti est co-responsable de l’équipe NutriMind au sein du laboratoire NutriNeuro, membre du conseil scientifique du département Alimentation humaine de l’INRAE et vice-Président du comité d’éthique de Bordeaux.
Margaret Hahn, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry University of Toronto Director, Mental Health and Metabolism Clinic, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) Meighen Family Chair in Psychosis Prevention
Dr. Margaret (Maggie) Hahn is a clinician-scientist at the CAMH (Schizophrenia Division), whose research interests lie in translational work focused on the complex interplay schizophrenia spectrum disorders, and cardiometabolic comorbidities. She currently leads several clinical trials examining novel intervention strategies for metabolic comorbidity . Dr. Hahn’s work also focuses on elucidating mechanisms underlying the intrinsic metabolic risk observed in first episode psychosis, and whether premorbid disruptions in the brain-gut axis, and/or brain bioenergetic pathways could explain the ‘intrinsic’ metabolic phenotype of schizophrenia. She likewise oversees a basic science laboratory which conducts cutting edge research examining brain-mediated mechanisms underlying the high rates of obesity and diabetes in psychosis. Dr. Hahn is likewise actively engaged to translate research knowledge into patient care and policy development, including contribution to national clinical practice guidelines.
Many thanks to our sponsors!!!
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Organizing committee
Alfonso Abizaid, PhD - Carleton University
Thierry Alquier, PhD - Université de Montréal Hospital Research Center (CRCHUM)
Laura Corbit, PhD - University of Toronto
Stephanie Fulton, PhD - Université de Montréal Hospital Research Center (CRCHUM)
Margaret Hahn, MD - The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
Maia Kokoeva, PhD - McGill University Hospital Research Center (MUHC)
Hotel Bonventure Montreal - Montreal 6 Room
900 Rue De La Gauchetière Ouest Montréal, QC Canada, H5A 1E4Registration period
February 21, 2023 - 8:00 AM until May 20, 2023 - 11:30 PM
Submission period
February 22, 2023 - 12:00 PM until May 12, 2023 - 11:30 PM
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact canadian.neurometabolic@gmail.com .