February 16-17, 2023

37th Research Congress Research at CHU Sainte-Justine

CHU Sainte-Justine nurtures the vision of a Quebec where mother, child and adolescent health ranks among the best in the world.

With this in mind, it is intent on fulfilling its mission of advancing knowledge and applying new findings with faster and less invasive methods and devices aimed at disease prevention, prognosis and treatment and long-term follow-up starting at conception and gestation and continuing right through to adulthood.

The Annual Research Meeting of Graduate and Postgraduate Students at CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center is an event rich in discussion and knowledge sharing that draws about 300 participants, including researchers, students and research staff. This highly stimulating intellectual setting represents an ideal opportunity to network with people who have come together to talk about the progress of their work in various fields in these six research axes:

  • Brain and Child Development
  • Immune Diseases and Cancer
  • Infectious Diseases and Acute Care
  • Fetomaternal and Neonatal Pathologies
  • Metabolic and Cardiovascular Health
  • Musculoskeletal Health, Rehabilitation and Medical Technologies

Our Keynote speaker

  • Katie Bentley

    Katie Bentley

    The Francis Crick Institute, Cellular Adaptive Behaviour Laboratory

    Crossing-disciplines to understand how cells build blood vessels.

    Katie Bentley earned a PhD in Computer Science from University College London in 2006 investigating morphological plasticity in biological and robotic systems after gaining an interdisciplinary Masters from the University of Sussex in 2002 in Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems.

    She was awarded a Cancer Research UK postdoctoral fellowship to develop vascular computational models in Paul Bates Biomolecular Modelling Laboratory at the CRUK London Research Institute (LRI) in 2006. She then moved to Holger Gerhardt's Vascular Biology Laboratory at the LRI in 2009 to learn experimental biology techniques and further integrate, refine and test her predictive computational models.

    Katie was appointed Assistant Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School and became Group Leader of the Computational Biology Laboratory, with both experimental and computational lab space in the Center for Vascular Biology Research, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston USA in 2013.

    She opened a satellite modelling laboratory at Uppsala University in 2015 to work directly with experimental vascular biology collaborators Lena Claesson-Welsh, Christer Betsholtz, Taija Makinen and Elizabetta Dejana in the Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology and a further satellite modelling laboratory at Boston University, in the Biological Design Center in 2017 to work directly with the microfabrication lab of Prof. Chris Chen.

    She joined the Francis Crick Institute and the informatics Department at King's College London in 2018.

    Katie Bentley | Crick

Our Research Axis Speakers

Each session of oral presentations will end with the presentation of a researcher on an emerging subject or a major discovery.

  • Nicolas Dumont , Pht , Ph.D.

    Nicolas Dumont , Pht , Ph.D.

    Professeur adjoint, Département de réadaptation, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal. Musculoskeletal Health, Rehabilitation and Medical Technologies Axis

    Muscle Stem Cell Myopathies: Physiopathology and Therapeutic Avenues

  • Fatima Kakkar , M.D.

    Fatima Kakkar , M.D.

    Pédiatre infectiologue, Professeure adjointe de clinique, Département de pédiatrie, Université de Montréal. Infectious Diseases and Acute Care Axis

    Uninfected but not unaffected: The long-term effects of in utero HIV exposure.

  • Alexandre Dubrac , Ph.D.

    Alexandre Dubrac , Ph.D.

    Professeur sous octroi adjoint, Département de pathologie et biologie cellulaire, Université de Montréal. Fetomaternal and Neonatal Pathologies Axis

    A molecular atlas of neuro-vascular interactions in the developing brain.

  • Despoina Manousaki , M.D. , Ph.D.

    Despoina Manousaki , M.D. , Ph.D.

    Professeure adjointe, Département de pédiatrie, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal, Endocrinologue pédiatre, CHU Sainte Justine. Axe de recherche: Santé métabolique et cardiovasculaire

    Screening for Type 1 Diabetes risk: prediction for better prevention.

  • Guillaume Dumas , Ph.D.

    Guillaume Dumas , Ph.D.

    Professeur agrégé, Département de psychiatrie et d’addictologie, Université de Montréal, Membre académique associé, Mila - Institut québécois d'intelligence artificielle. Brain and Child Development Axis

    Hopes and Hypes of Computational Psychiatry.

  • Gilles Hickson , Ph.D.

    Gilles Hickson , Ph.D.

    Associate Research Professor, Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, Université de Montréal. Research axis: Immune Diseases and Cancer Axis

    Coordination of cytoskeletal sub-networks during cytokinesis.


Submission of abstracts for orals: December 4, 2022

Submission of abstracts for posters: January 8, 2023

Congress registration: January 15, 2023

Confirmation of selected oral abstracts: beginning of January 2023

Confirmation of abstracts selected for posters: mid-January 2023

Congress: February 16-17, 2023



Our partners

  • Fondation CHU Sainte-Justine
  • FRQS
  • CMDO
  • Groupe de recherche universitaire sur le médicament (GRUM)
  • TransMedTech
  • Sanofi
  • Société de l'Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick
  • Wisent Bio Products
  • Pall Corporation
  • BioLegend
  • DMark
  • Agilent
  • Brain Canada
  • Département de microbiologie, infectiologie et immunologie (UdeM)
  • VWR
  • Olink

Commandites logistiques

  • Délicouki
  • ESKA


CHU Sainte-Justine

3175 Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine Montréal, QC Canada, H3T 1C5

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact congres.etudiant.crhsj.hsj@ssss.gouv.qc.ca .

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