FOME workshop
Monday June 10 - 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM (registration required)
Join us for the CSM FOME 2019!
Interested in improving microbiology education? Wondering how can we best spend our efforts in teaching microbiology so students have the best learning experience? The Canadian Society of Microbiologists has a long history supporting both undergraduate and graduate students; we’re pleased to continue this tradition with a pre-conference workshop. This year we are excited to have Dr. Mark O. Martin as our keynote facilitator!
There will also be MicroFOME sessions (15-minute educational demonstrations or presentations) selected from submitted proposals. Are you interested in sharing your teaching methods or facilitating a MicroFOME session? Abstract submission guidelines can be found below, and can be submitted by emailing We are accepting microFOME submissions until May 17th.
More about the FOME workshop and MicroFOME sessions.
Professional Skills workshop
Monday June 10 - 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM (registration required)
From design to delivery: the art of scientific communication for microbiologists
Effective scientific communication is a critical cornerstone of microbiology research. However, student and postdoctoral trainees have relatively few training opportunities available that specifically address best practices for delivering oral presentations, designing posters, and preparing figures and tables for publications. This year's professional skills workshop focuses on these transferable skills, with presentations and discussions from Drs. Josh Neufeld (University of Waterloo; “How to give a talk”), Haley Sapers (Caltech; “How to design a poster”), and Denice Bay (University of Manitoba; “How to design figures and tables for publication"). We plan to discuss practical and philosophical approaches to these important scientific communication skills, bridging art and science in the process.
Please join us!
DNA Genotek workshop
Tuesday June 11 - 12:45 PM - 1:15 PM
A higher standard for microbiome studies: Optimizing your study design
Empowering microbiome research by focusing on developing innovative technology has always been at the core of DNA Genotek’s mission. Recently DNA Genotek and the microbiome analysis company CoreBiome joined forces to provide the research community with cutting edge yet affordable end-to-end microbiome solutions. In this workshop, we will highlight how biases can be introduced at each stage of a microbiome study (1 - donor engagement, 2 – sample processing, 3 – sequencing, 4 - data interpretation) and how optimizing workflows with the integration of DNA Genotek and/or CoreBiome products and services can help overcome these challenges.
Op+lait workshop
Tuesday June 11 - 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM
Research for optimal milk quality, from farm to transformation facility
Op+lait is a strategic research network dedicated to collaborative research in milk quality from farm to milk processing facility. Our scientific program is divided into three main themes: (1) On-farm interventions that affect milk quality; (2) Pathogen identification and control; (3) Milk composition and microbiota. This workshop will focus on the microbiological aspects of the various stages of milk production, such as the farm environment (bedding microbiology, fermented silage microbiology), mammary gland infection (mastitis prevention), fluctuation of the bacterial population of milk following various on-farm practices, and virulence factors of pathogens causing intramammary infections.
Illumina workshop
Wednesday June 12 - 12:45 PM - 1:15 PM
Recent advances in microbial genome sequencing and microbiome profiling using Illumina technology
During this workshop we will present the latest instruments and methods for bacterial whole genome sequencing and microbiome studies including high performance library preparation techniques developed at Illumina. We will discuss the difference between 16S/ITS for bacterial/ fungal sequencing and multi-kingdom shotgun sequencing for complete metagenomic profiling of bacteria, archaea, fungi, viruses, and protists. We will also introduce library enrichment techniques for targeted sequencing of microorganisms, viruses, and the detection of antimicrobial resistance genes in a variety of sample types.