Canadian Society of Plant Biologists - Western Regional Meeting
The Canadian Society of Plant Biologists 2021 Western Regional Meeting (CSPB/SCBV-WRM) is intended for students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty, and scientists with an interest in plant science. After thorough consideration, and in view of the non-resolved coronavirus pandemic worldwide, the CSPB-SCBV and the Organizing Committee have decided that CSPB/SCBV-WRM 2021 will be held in a virtual format. This decision ensures the continuity of knowledge exchange while at the same time protecting the health and wellbeing of conference participants.
The scientific program will include plenary lectures, as well as oral and e-poster presentations. We expect and encourage contributions from any area of plant science to participate in this new format. The regional meeting has traditionally been a venue for the discussion of "work in progress" and thus your presentation need not be limited to completed projects. Student presentations are highly encouraged.
The virtual conference program indicates the schedule in your time zone. All plenary and concurrent talks will be live followed by Q&A sessions with the speakers. Posters will be accompanied by short pre-recorded talks (3-minute pitch), and the poster sessions will include opportunities for live interaction with presenters. The concurrent session in its entirety will be available for on-demand viewing shortly after the conference is complete.
Authors are encouraged to submit their abstracts early if possible to allow for the selection of oral presentations. The organizing committee will attempt to provide as much advance notice to presenters as possible.
Organizing Committee
Richard (Glen) Uhrig (University of Alberta, co-Chair)
Guanqun (Gavin) Chen (University of Alberta, co-Chair)
Thu-Thuy Dang (University of British Columbia)
John Laurie (Agriculture Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge Research and Development Centre)
Brendan O’Leary (Agriculture Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon Research and Development Centre)
Stacy Singer (Agriculture Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge Research and Development Centre)
Teagen Quilichini (National Research Council, Canada)
Organizing Institutes
Thanks to the organizing institutes below for their contribution.
CSPB-SCBV WRM 2021 - Abstract Booklet & Program
Online event
Registration period
October 15, 2021 - 0:00 until December 2, 2021 - 17:00
Submission period
October 15, 2021 - 0:00 until November 23, 2021 - 22:00
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact gc24@ualberta.ca .