MIM 2019 program

8:00 Registration and Breakfast

8:30 Welcome Remarks

8:45 KEYNOTE I- Dr. Facundo Batista

9:45 Coffee Break

10:00 Dr. Bruce Mazer: Semaphorin 4C: A key player in the generation of Regulatory B-cells

10:45 Dr. Alain Lamarre: Impairment of humoral immune responses during persistent viral infection.

11:30 Lunch and poster session

13:00 - 14h20 Student/Postdoc talks 4 X (15 min + 5 min questions)

13:00 Dakota Rogers: Naive CD4 T cell Heterogeneity Arising From Interactions with Self-Ligands Impacts TCR Signaling and TFH Differentiation Following Activation.

13:20 Dominic Roy: Methionine Metabolism Shapes T Helper Cell Responses Through Regulation of Epigentic Reprogramming

13:40 Claire Viallard: Creating an Immunostimulating Tumor Microenvironment by the Normalization of the Tumor Vasculature.

14:00 Ryan Pardy: A Brazilian Zika Virus Isolate Disrupts the Immunoproteasome to Subvert Antigen Specific CD8 T Cell Responses.

14:30 Dr. Bebhinn Treanor: Glycan-galectin interactions in the regulation of B cells.

15:15 Coffee break

15:30 KEYNOTE II- Dr. Frances Lund: Inflammatory cytokine mediated control of effector memory B cell development and function.

16:30 Closing Remarks and Awards

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