November 14-15, 2024

Journées Centre SÈVE 2024

We invite you to the annual joint meeting of the Centre SÈVE

The following activities will be on the agenda during the meeting:

Invited Speakers

Student Competition for the best oral and poster presentation

Lectures by Centre SÈVE members


Register now!

Deadline to register for the meeting :

October 10, 2024


Please fill out the abstract submission form to enter the student competition.

Deadline for submission of oral presentation abstracts:

October 3, 2024


Sophie Robitaille (Centre SÈVE)

Invited Speaker

    Bala Chaudhary

    Department of Environmental Studies

    Dartmouth College

    Bala Chaudhary, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Environmental Studies at Dartmouth College. She is a National Science Foundation CAREER Awardee and a member of the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Continent Scale Biology. Research in her lab focuses on mycorrhizas (plant-fungal symbioses), macroecology (continent-scale ecology), and movement (microbial dispersal). She uses trait-based approaches to develop predictive frameworks for mycorrhizal fungal dispersal, community assembly and biogeography, and employs complementary approaches of macroecological field work, controlled lab experiments and data synthesis to study multi-scale questions in ecology. Her work spans dozens of ecosystems and has applications in global change solutions including climate mitigation and adaptation, soil conservation, ecosystem restoration and sustainable agriculture. Prior to academia, Chaudhary worked as an environmental consultant in Los Angeles restoring drastically disturbed urban areas to create habitat for endangered species. She is an award-winning advocate for antiracist strategies in STEM and the founder of WOCinEEB, an international organization for racial and gender minorities in ecology and evolutionary biology.

    Matthew Peros

    Department of Environment, Agriculture and Geography

    Bishop's University

    Matthew Peros is a broadly trained physical geographer working at the interface between the climatological, ecological, and archaeological sciences. His research seeks to answer fundamental questions within two broad areas: (1) what have been the driving forces behind climate, vegetation, and landscape change since the end of the last Ice Age? and (2), how has the natural environment constrained/provided opportunities for cultural and biological change? To address questions in these areas, he uses a field- and laboratory-based approach, integrating information derived from geological (e.g., sedimentological, geochemical) and paleoecological (e.g., palynological) investigations with archaeological and paleontological data. At present, his regional specializations include eastern Canada and the Caribbean, although he has also worked in high-latitude (northern) environments.

    Student presentation information:

    For oral presentations, the expected duration per presentation is 12 minutes, followed by 3 minutes of questions.

    For poster presentations, we require a poster of the following size (3‘ x 4’ or 91 x 121 cm) or smaller.

    • Centre SÈVE
    • Fonds de recherche du Québec- Nature et technologies


    Manoir des sables

    90 Avenue des Jardins Orford, QC Canada, J1X 6M6

    Registration period

    August 15, 2024 - 7:01 AM until October 10, 2024 - 4:00 PM

    Submission period

    August 19, 2024 - 7:00 AM until October 3, 2024 - 4:00 PM

    Contact us

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